Losing My Religion

by Seven 7 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Seven

    Losing My Religion
    Oh life is bigger
    It's bigger than you
    And you are not me
    The lengths that I will go to
    The distance in your eyes
    Oh no, I've said too much
    I set it up
    That's me in the corner
    That's me in the spotlight
    Losing my religion
    Trying to keep up with you
    And I don't know if I can do it
    Oh no I've said too much
    I haven't said enough
    I thought that I heard you laughing
    I thought that I heard you sing
    I think I thought I saw you try
    Every whisper
    Of every waking hour-I'm
    Choosing my confessions
    Trying to keep an eye on you
    Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
    Oh no I've said too much
    I set it up
    Consider this
    The hint of the century
    Consider this the
    Slip that brought me
    To me knees-failed
    What if all these fantasies
    Come flailing around
    Now I've said too much
    I thought that I heard you laughing
    I thought that I heard you sing
    I think I thought I saw you try
    But that was just a dream
    That was just a dream
    Why try
    That was just a dream
    A dream-R.E.M.

  • Zep

    Seriously.......i was hummin' that a few days a ago.Not that i could ever say i ever really had a Religion, but it seems to be the one that pops into mind when you doubt.......that and XTC's "dear God"

  • Pathofthorns

    I think "Losing My Religion" has a strange place in many young Witness minds. There is quite a large REM following, at least where I live, in the age bracket I am in. For that reason, the song is liked, yet has an uncomfortable place with many.

    As for XTC's "Dear God" more take that to be blasphemous (like DM's "blasphemous rumours"). Its always been a favourite, as it conveys the emotion and feelings of the godless in ways few songs do. I'm just thankful that I don't share those feelings.

    Path (this post doesn't seem to make too much sense to me. I guess I'm saying I like the songs)

  • Seven

    Path, I also like the Joan Osborne-One of Us. There are many REM fans in my corner of the globe too. BTW, does your username have anything to do with Sarah McLachlan's song by the song by the same name?

    Edited by - SevenofNine on 29 June 2000 22:32:39

  • SolidSender


    Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 2:50:38

  • Pathofthorns

    Seven- The UserName indirectly is tied in with Sarah McLaughlin's "Path of Thorns (Terms of Endearment)" which is a favourite of mine. (I know, not too many guys openly admit to liking Sarah McLaughlin LOL) I take it you made the connection because she also did a cover of "dear God"?

    SS-I meant in referring to the REM song that losing one's religion, or for a Witness, one's religion or his whole way of life or "the dream" to be not true is his biggest nightmare. I believe the song is referring to what you said, yet pricks the minds of Witness listners by reminding them of the emptiness they imagine they would have without their "religion".


  • Seven

    Path-Yes, that's how I made the connection. :)

  • waiting

    Well, personally, I've always been, and will be, a Queen fan.

    "I Want It All" (and I want it now)
    "Fat Bottom Girls" and of course, "I'm Slightly Mad". You just got to sing with these guys. And if no one can see you, jerk your head to "Bohemian Rhapsody."

    They just played a song from Average White Band this morning, made me think back as to why they were such a good group.


    Edited by - waiting on 30 June 2000 14:57:20

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