Bethel Germany, the same is happening here

by Driving Force 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    This is just to mention that the same is happening in Germany as with other countries, Bethel family being reduced by 25%, which means 250 persons, and all the rest of the stuff, laundry etc.

    I do not have any special privileged information this is from a German Website

    It is reliable.

    There is a letter to the Special Pioneers which I have translated below:

    AI: AK October 11, 2015


    Reducing the number of special pioneers

    Dear Brothers,

    Many of you have already been serving for decades as special pioneers, and we really appreciate that. Your faithful endurance deserves a sincere praise!

    Recently we received statements from the Governing Body announcing a global restructuring in almost every area of the work. This includes how the special pioneers are to be used, which is why some special pioneers have already been asked to continue their ministry as regular pioneers. In order to get an overview of the current overall situation, we ask you to let us know who of you is in such a financial situation, partially or entirely, to look after themselves. This does not necessarily mean leaving the full-time service. We would very much appreciate it, if we receive your answers by 23 October 2015.

    Please be assured that completely irrespective of these considerations and future decisions we appreciate your sacrifice greatly. You have made yourselves available for the most important work, which is now being carried out on Earth. This has allowed you to make many very individual experiences with Jehovah. Please never forget these experiences! Surely you join in the words of King David, Psalm 63:5 which says: "I am satisfied with the best and choicest portion," Therefore, you have just the same desire as David went on to say in the verse, "So my mouth will praise you with joy on my lips". We are firmly convinced that Jehovah will always bless your loyalty in the future by supplying you with the necessities (Mat. 6:33; 2 Sam. 22: 26a).

    We are happy to mention you in our prayers and ask Jehovah to continue to give you strength and joy that wholehearted service brings (Col. 3:23). Be warmly greeted.

    Your brothers

    Branch Office Central Europe

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    How can anyone read that and believe the GB when they say "it's not about money"?


  • slimboyfat
    The letter seems to offer the hope that if they are not in a position to support themselves financially that the Watchtower will continue to do so. I am sceptical. I think most seasoned recipients, in their heart of hearts, will have been too.
  • brandnew
    How are any special pioneers able to hold down a 9 to 5......and go to meetings , and actually sleep?
  • truthseeker100
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Don't be sceptical SLIMBOYFAT - be certain -

    "Please be assured that completely irrespective of these considerations and future decisions..........."

    They can all be assured that future decisions are coming their way.............soon!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone (except the G.B. & their helpers) who is financially reliant on "Mother" for their day-day living, should be looking for a more trustworthy employer - right now!

    Otherwise, they only have themselves to blame for putting their trust in men, and ignoring the scriptures!

    Psalm 146:3 - Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. (NKJV)

    2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 - "If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat."......we give the order and exhortation in the Lord Jesus Christ that they should work quietly and eat food they themselves earn. (RNWT)

  • Vidiot

    St George - "How can anyone read that and believe the GB when they say 'it's not about money'?"

    In the case of loyal JWs, they're required to.

  • Pookigirle
    Lets hope this "shaking up of the nations" will result in more awakened souls!! These major transformations must have them saying hmmmmmmm ........ at least in a small way. I believe this will have more dubs researching and looking into the borg and thankfully, there are soooo many sights to disprove the WTBTS, at their fingertips. However, unfortunately - there is going to be those that adjust their thinking and heart conditions to readily accept whatever vomit the GB spews forth. It will be interesting to watch this play out in the next year or so. Buckle up folks -- we are about to embark on one crazy ride!!! *smile*
  • Oubliette
    Be warm and well-fed.
  • sir82

    In order to get an overview of the current overall situation, we ask you to let us know who of you is in such a financial situation, partially or entirely, to look after themselves. This does not necessarily mean leaving the full-time service.

    What an odd statement.

    As SBF indicated, it almost seems to imply that those who would be destitute would be "taken care of" somehow.

    Was this sentence included at the behest of the GB?

    Or was it inserted by the local branch? As if someone actually feels some pity for them.

    If inserted by the branch, it would be most interesting, as it would, in my opinion, indicate dissension with the dictates of the GB at world HQ.

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