I want to challenge Any JW, past or present, to show me, From Scripture a couple of things;

by Testeverything 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Testeverything

    Where it is commanded/commissioned that a group of people should build a house of worship called a Kingdom hall?? ---i have A Lot of relevant scriptures on that subject.

    I would also like to see where it says in the Word of Yahweh that He chose a Man-made organization to be his "Voice" that he speaks through;

    and where does it say in scripture that a Man was given the authority/inspiration to create a New Religion?? --I have alot of relevant scriptures on this, as well


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You might have to wait until one knocks on your door.

  • smiddy3

    Hi ,my friend ,you may have found yourself on the other side of the coin to use that phrase .

    This forum ,while welcoming active JW`s who are genuine in questioning ,or are troubled or even confused about some of their beliefs ,this forum is primarily of those who have exited the JW religion and are hell bent on exposing the fraudulent religion for what it is.

    But by all means stick around ,i`m sure you will be amazed by what you learn here from ex JW`s that make up the bulk of this site .

    Ohh , and Welcome ,maybe you have something that we could learn from ?

  • Phizzy

    If you don't want to waste your time too much with any believer, just ask them for proof of their god that will stand any scrutiny.

    Once they have failed at that, their religion does not matter one bit anymore.


  • slimboyfat

    A day old. Ah.

  • Testeverything

    Hi, folks, thanks for your replies. By my question i am attempting to expose the fact that the JW's are a Man-made religion and following doctrines of men instead of the Word of Our Creator. This subject came up while i was listening to some teachings on the building of the temple. It clearly says in scripture that certain individuals throughout history were instructed to build a beautiful, magnificent Temple where Yahweh's spirit and Glory will fill that temple!! So, some Man came up with the idea of calling a place of worship a "Kingdom Hall" and there is NO Such thing in scripture, further demonstrating that this religion can NOT be the True "Religion" and the only mouthpiece/voice of our Creator. Yeshua was in the Synagogue, On the Sabbath, teaching his disciples/followers the Torah. There are many other relevant scriptures on this matter that i will be happy to share if you would like to see what scripture says.

    Thank you and may Yahweh open your eyes. Shalom.

  • 2+2=5

    Get a copy of their ‘Reasoning’ and ‘insight’ on scriptures, the absolute best a JW can do is parrot these books and other WT publications

    You should find a brick wall to practice your conversations with, talking to JWs will be much the same.

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara
    some Man came up with the idea of calling a place of worship a "Kingdom Hall" and there is NO Such thing in scripture, further demonstrating that this religion can NOT be the True "Religion

    Robert M. Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle

    Maintenance, when he said, 'When one person suffers from a

    delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from

    a delusion it is called Religion.'


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