Question about field service reports ??

by Silverleaf 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Silverleaf

    Hi all,

    I wanted to try out the new "system" Simon has created for us so I thought I would ask a question that's been bugging me for a while.

    "Field service reports" - is this the correct terminology for the 'time sheets' a JW fills out to show how much time they spend going door to door?

    What's bugging me is how do JWs justify needing to fill out these 'time sheets?' It would seem to me that God/Jehovah would KNOW how much time someone spent in service to Him, and therefore not need a piece of paper to prove how dedicated someone was. If the time sheets go to the elders or are kept on file as a record of how dedicated someone is - doesn't that seem more like having to prove yourself to the organization rather than to God who would certianly not need a written record of anything?

    Did anyone here, while they were a JW, ever question the need for time sheets?


  • Gopher

    Yes they are called "field service reports". Each month-end at the service meeting, we were told to "turn in our time". I'm sure they meant "time reports", because time is not an object that you can simply hand to someone. But I digress!

    Having grown up a JW, it always seemed natural to me. It was explained that this was the way they could keep track of the activity, and find out where "help was needed". Now I understand it was a way to enforce quotas and compare people and groups. Nothing like a little competition between salespeople to keep them motivated, don't you know?

  • ballistic

    The directors have a history of being obsessed by figures, statistics, balance sheets and numbers, both in terms of contributions, books sold and hours spent. Such a waste. Such a deep, deep, sickening waste being gloated over like a myser counting his money.

  • NeonMadman

    Here's the party line. Notice that no scriptural support is given for the practice, apart from a few scriptures that cite round numbers of people who were converted:

    *** km 1/97 p. 7 Question Box ***

    Question Box· Why should we report our field service activity promptly each month?All of us feel a sense of joy when we hear about good things being accomplished in preaching the Kingdom message. (See Proverbs 25:25.) Acts 2:41 reports that following Peter’s stirring discourse on the day of Pentecost, "about three thousand souls were added." A short time later, that number had grown to "about five thousand." (Acts 4:4) How exhilarating those reports must have been to the first-century Christians! We react the same way to encouraging reports today. We are thrilled to hear about the success our brothers enjoy in preaching the good news worldwide.

    Since much time and effort are involved in compiling such reports, the cooperation of every Kingdom publisher is essential. Are you conscientious about turning in your report promptly each month?

    Reports of increases bring us much joy. Additionally, reports help the Society to monitor the progress of the worldwide work. Decisions have to be made as to where more help may be needed or the type and amount of literature to be produced. Elders in each congregation use field service reports to determine where improvement can be made. (In other words, who they should harass to "do more"!!) Good reports are upbuilding, motivating all of us to examine our own ministry for possible improvements.

    All publishers need to appreciate their individual responsibility to turn in a field service report promptly each month. Congregation Book Study conductors are in a good position to remind the publishers of this responsibility, since they are also alert to give personal assistance ( = apply pressure) to those who may have some difficulty sharing in the field service regularly each month. This reminder could be given at the last book study each month or at another appropriate time. If there is no opportunity to turn in field service reports at the Kingdom Hall, the Congregation Book Study conductor can collect them and see that they are given to the secretary in time to be included with the congregation’s regular monthly report to the Society.

    Our diligence in faithfully reporting our field service activity promptly makes the load lighter for those responsible for our spiritual well-being. (Wouldn't that be US?)

    Obviously, the emphasis (bolding) was added by me, and the comments in red were mine, not part of the original article.

  • calamityjane
    What's bugging me is how do JWs justify needing to fill out these 'time sheets?' It would seem to me that God/Jehovah would KNOW how much time someone spent in service to Him, and therefore not need a piece of paper to prove how dedicated someone was.


    It's just another form of control and labelling.

    I know when I'd fill out these darn forms that I was embarrassed if I hadn't put enough time in the field service, or didn't place enough publications. So I'd try to endeavour to do better the next month. Oh if I only knew then what I know now. I would have told the brothers who would phone me at home, because they didn't have my report for that month and they needed to know the hours, and placements. I would have told them to TAKE A FLYING LEAP!!!

  • Maverick

    Part on the Service meeting: Encourage (using guilt) the punlishers (peons) to turn in their field service reports( rat on themselves) . Use examples( that we list for you) from the Kingdom Ministry (not the Bible, because it's not in there) of how well ( more subservient) the Japaness Brothers are doing(our bidding). Have two demonstrations by qualified( butt kissing) publishers(see above) using practical methods of good record keeping (carry a time slip around with you) and accurate( not counting coffee breaks) time reporting. 10 min. Maverick (Apostate of The GoverningBodyGod)

  • Swan

    It's a trap, like what happened to Ananias and Sapphira. Jehovah knows what you gave in time and effort, but if you put down a different figure in your report to the Society, he will strike you dead!

    Just kidding! Wish I had the gumption to lie about my hours like others here did. I was so stupid when I was in the cult that I wasn't even smart enough to lie about my time!


    PS: Get this! Ananias and Sapphira are in my spell checker! LOL! I wonder if those spell check programmers have a life?

  • happyout

    I think it's just another example of them going above and beyond the scriptures, and beating on any potential "independent thinkers" who question them. The part about needing to forecast for the magazines is a bunch of crap, they could just as easily have someone put in an order for the magazines and only fill those orders. I always hated turning in my time, but since the bookstudy was at my house, there was no getting around it. I just put the average each month, regardless of what was real.

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