Update jws hate jw book

by Catcat 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Catcat

    Hi this is my second post this time i won't mention any names or the book cos last time people complained that i was promoting this book. So any away in my last post i wrote that i was afraid if someone in my family will find out that i was reading this book where an ex jw is negative about the organisation. But everything is ok. A sister has read the book and told everyone how disgusted and offended she is by it. The brother hasn't been disfellowshiped or anything yet but lots of brothers and sisters are angry with him i have never seen jws so angry. They hate his guts. I am so glad i don't have to keep it a secret that i read the book

  • scratchme1010
    A sister has read the book and told everyone how disgusted and offended she is by it.

    So everything is ok as long as you say something negative about it.

    Reminds me of this pervert in the congregation that always made comments about sexual things, always very graphic in his remarks, but they were ok because he was talking about how "putrid" this system and their people are, and how much they deserve to be destroyed.

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