Gods and Generals

by Xandria 1 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Xandria

    Well just got back from the premier of Gods and Generals. We got an advance copy because the re-enactors are from around here. It was interesting because they came in period dress. Gods and Generals was an excellent movie.

    They brought out many points and thoughts. Robert Duvall played a great Robert E. Lee. This is the first installment of an trilogy. This follows the beginning of the war. Many believe the Civil War was fought just about Slavery. That came in much later in the war. I agree with one point this movie made, the South should of definately done away with slavery on their own, rather than it being forced.

    The battle scenes were incredible! I really suggest this movie for those who are learning about the Civil War. To see the battles is to really drive home how things were.

    The Movie is due out on February 21, 2003 in all theaters.


  • roybatty

    I can't wait to see it! Duvall is an awesome actor.

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