Why Middle-Aged Americans Are NOT Going Back To Church- WSJ

by Balaamsass2 2 Replies latest social current

  • Balaamsass2

    An interesting read in today's Wall Street Journal. Just another brick in the wall to keep people away from Watchtower. Everyday life can be hard, and it is very hard to be enthusiastic about any group that constantly begs for money, brags, and covers up child rape. What do you think? Gift link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/church-attendance-religion-generation-x-6ee5f11d?st=s7rox5mrmutte3i&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, I read it and I agree that it is the trend in general that fewer people attend church. It’s true that the baby boomers are largely church attenders but I think it’s family tradition because in the past most of their families did.

    With regard to Jehovah’s Witnesses, I think it’s a little different. I was raised Roman Catholic and I remember coming and going when it suited me. I certainly didn’t feel like I had a bulls-eye target on me like when I was active in the Witnesses.

    Catholics who stopped going generally lost interest or passed away. They didn’t stop going because they were treated badly, subjected to intrusive behavior or shunned or gossiped about like in the Witness religion like I experienced. The Witnesses are their own worst enemy.. Many Witnesses who have stopped going (such as myself) did so because of extreme behavior and attitudes they would not tolerate, etc... I won’t even get into failed prophecies!

  • Balaamsass2

    I 100% agree Longhaired girl. My cart being overloaded with total BS was a big reason for my leaving. The Service desk and two Governing Body members covering over a serial molester's trail of victims in multiple counties was simply the last straw.

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