God Works In Mysterious Ways...

by BONEZZ 3 Replies latest jw friends


    ...Remember that worn out hackneyed phrase that "worldly" religions used? Now, can you think of similar phrasology used by the Borg when they couldn't explain something completely? Of course they would never use a phrase used by "Christendom". We all know the old..."wait on Jehovah" one...or how 'bout..."there are still things that will be revealed"...or "scrolls yet to be opened". Got any others?


  • Mary

    There's a few:

    1. We never said that.

    2. Are you QUESTIONING the Faithful & Discreet Slave?

    3. I find your lack of faith disturbing (the WT picked this little gem up from Darth Vadar)

  • funkyderek

    "That really shows how close we are to Armageddon..."

    That's applicable in almost any situation.

  • Blueblades

    How about:You will be amazed at how Jehovah will yet solved all our unanswerable questions! Like:What will happen to.........? How will....? What about......? When does.....?Where are.....?

    You can fill in the blanks and then wait to see how Jehovah will amaze you. Blueblades

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