Sound like any 'money grabbing' organization you know?

by Esse quam videri 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    With the recent 'money grab' of the Watchtower Society, this clip re: the Mormon Church seems timely.

    '...If you were to attend a conference in the early days of the LDS church, you could expect to come away with at least two things that we don't get now.

    First, the leadership would provide a complete report of the Church’s financial holdings, detailing the amount of tithing funds collected and a thorough accounting as to how those funds were being spent.

    Second, you could expect to hear something from the prophet that would truly edify you; some cosmic truth you didn’t know or hadn’t realized before. In short, you would attend conference expecting to take away from the experience at least a modicum of further light and knowledge.

    Financial reports were quietly discontinued after 1958, despite no announced revelation from God that such an accounting was no longer required. It was simply an executive decision by Church leaders that these things were not the business of the membership at large. “I don't think the public needs to have that information,” is the way it was put by N. Eldon Tanner, the Church’s unofficial CFO. By “the public,” Tanner was referring to the lowly rank and file members who had contributed the money in the first place.

    Besides, the argument went, once it's donated, that money no longer belongs to the members. Tithing money belongs to the Lord. So there....'

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    Besides, the argument went, once it's donated, that money no longer belongs to the members. Tithing money belongs to the Lord. So there....'

    Maybe I should be a LORD.

    Image result for lord pics

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