The one that did it?

by Gig 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gig

    Was there a single scripture that finally made perfect sense as you were tempted to leave and allowed you to do so in good conscience? Maybe it was the one that never made sense until you were out? Was there one that seemed to sum it all up after you left? One that made your departure the right thing to do?

    Any number of scenarios...what scripture spoke the most clearly for you as you discovered the WTS

  • JT

    for most folks it is not one single scripture, but more of pcs of a puzzle that start to take shape and what takes shape is the org is not what it claims to be-

    and just like a puzzle some folks can make out what the puzzle is early on for others they need more pcs -

    at that point then one must decide- since i can clearly see this is not the truth, how and when do i leave or do i stay and for what reasons, family children, $$$

    but for most it is not like one thing it is the combination personal exp, facts, proof, documentation and a Crisis of Conscience-

    just my opinion

  • freedom96

    Two for me. One was the scripture talking about false prophets, and how if what they say does not come true, they are not a real prophet, in fact, it says run from them.

    The other, is at the end of the bible, that says something to the effect that whoever changes or adds to the bible, shall have severe consequences.

    The WTS has done both. That sums it up for me.

  • Francois

    Yeah, when I finally realized that the proper translation of the scripture wasn't "The kingdom of heaven is in your midst," but was REALLY, "The kingdom of heaven is within you." THAT did it for me. It made me realize that I really am a son of God. Just like Jesus. And I've spent wondrous hours since that time first in attempting to touch that presence and then hours in communication with that prescence. No wonder the JWs don't want you to know what it really means. Worse than Catholics, those damned JWs.


  • out4good3

    What did it for me was not one particular scripture, but more the haughtiness and single-minded attitude of the people in the org with regards to following WT rules without question. Also I tired on the incessant WT trumpeting of thier own horn and their disguising this as doing God's will.

    I remember when I was just a study being quite happy that I was learning what I thought were new truthful things about the bible. It was at a low stage in my life and marriage and I got caught up in all the attention lavished upon me as a potential convert. But the "love bombing" slowly turned into elder and WT domination as I naively allowed the WT to chip at and finally control every thought, every decision I was making in my life.

    My turning point, as so many others, came when I had to make a decision about getting an education and improving myself financially, then having elders from the congregation who didn't know me or my situation telling me that I was wasting my time, the end is coming soon, and that my time would be best spent in the preaching work. These visits, I believe, were instigated by my wife although she swears up and down that she had nothing to do with them.

    I decided then that with or without her, I needed to take back my life.


    Its really nice to see you posting again. Your singular wit and insight is what mainly brings me back to this board now and again. I only wish I had someone of your knowledge and experience of the borg put a bug in my ear when I was in the process of being sucked into the borg's evil clutches.

  • truthseeker1

    For me it was all the added words for our benifit so we would get the real meaning of what was trying to be said. Hardly a page w/out some words in [].

    To me, it was like saying Do not hold any gods before Jehovah['s organization].

  • xjw_b12

    To every JW who asked me " Why don't you come to the KH anymore " ?

    My reply was " when you catch sight of the disgusting thing, standing where it ought not to be, flee to the mountains " ( paraphrasing, becuase the office cleansers threw out my copy of the NWT something about it being demonized ! LOL ) and applying that to the WTBTS. one asks me that anymore !

    " Millons Now Living Will Never Know "


  • bikerchic

    For me it was the whole Bible. Everything I had been told it was, everything I had been led to believe about the WTS in my time of crisis held out no hope. I saw it as just another fairytale and the WTS as just another religion spreading it's propraganda.

    Now I'm looking at things differently. I'm trying to understand life, god and my purpose to be on this earth. So far I think it's pretty simple, live, love and prosper, bring life, love and happiness to you and yours.


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