Napa trip and Del Dotto winery

by Makena1 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Makena1

    Just got back from a business trip with a side trip to Napa. Went on a weekday this time, instead of fighting the crowds on the weekend (which is called "combat tasting" LOL). The experience was soooo much better - lots of personal attention, information from the winemaker, and a chance to taste some library wines that are off the general tasting menu.

    I visited Mumms, ZD wines, Chimney Rock, Del Dotto winery, Caymus, Edgewood, Flora Springs and St Clement. Other than forgetting to drink enough water to keep up with the wine consumption, it was a grand day.

    The highlight of this trip was Del Dotto winery. Small production, excellent quality. Took the cellar tour (cost $20, but probably drank $40 worth or more of their wines). Besides the fact that you are in cellars carved out with pick axes in the 1860's - what is unique is you get to taste for example, cabs and sangioveses from the same vineyard but aged in barrels from different regions. American Oak from Tennessee and Pennsylvania, French oak from specific forests, eastern european oaks, and some barrels with staves made from a mixture of regions. The fun was detecting the different nuances that the various barrels imparted to the same wines. Tasted from 15 barrels and later a library tasting in a reserve room. Whew !

    ANYWAY - the point of this post is that I recalled from my time in the 80's in LA seeing infomercials on how to buy foreclosure properties by "Dave Del Dotto". I also recalled hearing at the time that Mr. Del Dotto was a JW.

    I asked the friendly fellow who was hosting us if the winery was owned by the infomercial man. The answer was yes, and yes he is a witness - elder, or so our tour guide thought. He said he was one of the only employees who was not a witness. I told him a little about my backround with the WT, why I left, shunning policy, etc. He said the winery was a great place to work, and fortunately they did not push their religion on him.

    While I no longer agree with Mr Del Dotto's religious views - he makes some outstanding wines.

    Anybody ever met or know Del Dotto? He obviously invested well and made a ton of money in real estate and his foreclosure seminars. Owning and running a winery however small is not cheap!



  • larc

    I am glad that Del Dotto is doing something respectable. His info commercial was a border line scam. I bet he made most of his money off his tapes and seminars and precious little of it from real estate. Making money off of real estate is not as easy as he makes it sound. As far as the cost of running a winery, well yes there are costs, but there are profits as well.

  • MegaDude

    Hi Makena,

    I remember those Del Dotto commercials. He really came across like a slick hustler, but it sounds like it those infomercials paid off well for him.

    I was in Napa Valley last August and really enjoyed it. I liked Mumms. Didn't get to tour the vineyard but the photography art gallery was quite beautiful. I liked the Neibaum Coppola Vineyard and it was very enjoyable walking around the beautiful chateau and grounds getting pleasantly snockered on his Estate Red Zin. Definitely calls for a revisit for sure.


    Back when I was connected to the Borg, I had a "friend" who tried real hard to be buddies with Dave Del Dotto. His wife went to school with his wife so they got invited to spend time with them at their Hawaii home..regaled us with stories of how Dave witnessed to John Davidson who was the host of his infomercial...and how the IRS was persecuting him. I've forgotten the details but ol' Dave was in some deep IRS doo-doo for awhile. It wasn't long after that they moved to Napa. I think he made most of his money off of his "buying real estate" seminars rather than actually buying real estate. Am kinda surprised that he's still in. His business always came first....but who really gives a flying fig. Thank you.


  • Mulan

    I had no idea he was a witness.

    Hope you brought some Mumm's back to share.

  • Reborn2002

    Wow Brother Del Dotto must be forking over huge sums right into the Kingdumb Hall Contribution Box.

    If he wasn't, he would be counseled for materialism in seeking financial gain in real estate, infomercials, and a winery? That is quite excessive for any Dub, after all, he should be spending his time "pursuing Kingdom interests."

    Not to mention one of his main sources of income is a winery...would that not be inadvertently contributing to someone's alcoholism?

    Or how about idolatry? His infomercials were on television utilizing the "Devil's eye" (if your an old-school Witness you know what I am talking about) and his story on the show has individuals aspiring to be like him.


    But then again who said that Jehovah's Witnesses apply their man-made laws evenly?

    This is yet another example of the double-standards, hypocrisy, and caste system found within the JW religion.

    As long as he is a semi-celebrity who has money to put into the contribution box, the Dubs will turn the other cheek (i.e. Venus and Serena Williams, Prince, Micheal Jackson, etc.)

    If he was a common rank & file JW, he would have already been counseled and/or disfellowshipped.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 27 January 2003 17:17:18

  • Makena1

    Thanks everyone for the replies.

    I agree - Dave and others like him, make their money from selling the books, tapes and seminars rather than what they are preaching.

    I have been in the foreclosure "processing" business for about 20 years and have never tried to buy properties that are in default. Not just because it would be borderline unethical (I have very little information on the properties being foreclosed beyond what is of public record) - because in my experience the average guy who wants to buy distressed properties is no match for the the true foreclosure "investors". These guys know almost to the penny what its going to cost to rehab the property and flip it over for resale. These "investors" all seem to know each other too, and on occasion will get together before a foreclosure sale and decide between them who will make the winning bid - aka "chilling" the bid at sale. Illegal, but it's still happens.

    Reborn, Bonezz - I agree, when it comes to wealth, the borg often looks the other way when those who are big contributors are involved. Ol' Dave's info mercials sure preached greed and materialism.

    Mulan - hi! I did not bring anything from Mumms back with me, but I signed up for the wine club, and will give it a try for a year.

    Finally, Del Dotto is not the wine maker. I believe he has hired the winemaker from Caymus. Another smart move for him.



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