Molestors slip betweent he cracks...AGAIN!

by Quotes 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quotes

    I don't want to bring anyone down, and I know it is important to hope for the best, etc. etc.


    Why, OH WHY, couldn't the CBC Fifth Estate program airing this week be airing during a "slow news week"??????

    All the news is about IRAQ, USA, Dr. Hans Blix, weapons inspectors, yada yada yada -- not that those topics are not important, but I am really afraid that this much bigger news story will greatly drown out the very important story airing on CBC. I am afraid that next Thursday morning, all of the newsreaders and politicians will still be talking about Iraq.


    Sorry, I'm just a little pissed off today when I think about this.

    Of course, I expect the Old Men In Brooklyn will see this as "proof" of Jehovah's efforts to preserve the name of his organization, rather than simply the coincidence that it is.

    Let's hope the CBC does it's usual great job so this story gets some grass-roots movement behind it.


  • Beans

    Well Q as the show will be airing at multiple times it will be seen! The fact of the matter is that "The Fifth Estate" has a huge following of faithful viewers and many of these viewers are very educated people and want to be informed on many issues thats why they watch, this information on the abuse problem will spread!

    This is the beginning of a something that will spread and spread more here in Canada as I believe many more will come forward.


  • DevonMcBride

    For the past two years there has always been some big news going on. Better to show this episode before any attacks on Iraq.

    On a positive note, those who are tired of hearing about Iraq and war may tune into Fifth Estate.

  • JH

    I think it will be shown a couple of times: like stated below.

    Keyword Search : 'fifth estate'

    Wednesday 29 / 1 / 2003
    21:0022:00the fifth estate
    Thursday 30 / 1 / 2003
    22:0023:00the fifth estate
    02:0003:00the fifth estate
    Sunday 2 / 2 / 2003
    10:0011:00the fifth estate
  • Seven

    Hi Quotes,

    You know the viewing habits of your fellow countrymen better than an outsider but I think that being as how potential war updates are available 24/7, the 5th Estate show will not be overlooked. Like Beans said, the show will air at multiple times and the information will reach the masses-finally.

  • hawkaw

    I have been at this for a while and on both sides of different issues ... thus, I just wish to say ....

    Please have some patience. A lot of people have invested a lot of money on this story and many others have invested time (including you) and others have risked their family life.

    You are god damn lucky ... no I mean you guys are really really really really god damn lucky to get what you have gotten both in this story as well as the page and half story in the Toronto Sun and countless articles issued by CP.

    Do you have any idea how much money CBC has spent on this? Any???

    .... and just to let you know this is being aired on a date when viewership should be high since its winter time and people usually stay in ... its being shown in PRIME TIME on the FULL friggen network and repeated 3 more times after it AIRS on Newsworld ...... and less we forget the news on the inspectors at the UN is TODAY's news (not Wednesday or Thursday's news) .... less we forget Bush's speech is on Tuesday night (NOT Wednesday night) .... less we forget troops are NOT in position to start the WAR ..... the premier's major health care issue is NEXT WEEK (not Wednesday night) .... less we forget its NOT on when CSI is on .... and on and on I could go.

    My point ... there are a lot of pluses to this date that YOU have not considered .... not to mention this is the first TV show in the world where a full hour is being used to look at this story!

    Another point you have missed ... we are starting to get some key people in this country agreeing to watch the show as by now you should be very well aware of.

    Yes ... it is a gamble ... plain and simple ..... Who knows, the CBC may have gotten stuff wrong or they may come out on the side of the WTS. But if you don't try .... you will never get the press you want. Never.

    Also I noted that you made mention of the GB and its role in all of this. You are making a serious error in forgetting who the target audience is. This was not made for the JWs - as most do not know how to "think" critically about this issue and will think Jehovah is being persecuted. Basically, this show is made to alert the people of Canada and "vaccinate" them from the JWs. It may also help some JWs, it may change a little policy and it may help/alert some abuse survivors but that is NOT nor could it be the reason for it.

    The combination of many stories and many court case wins brings the change you want. Not just one story by itself. But you need the "one story" to add with the other stories.

    Patience my friend ... patience


    Edited by - hawkaw on 27 January 2003 12:19:7


    I agree with Hawkaw on this. . .

    Have a little patience . . . have a little faith . . .

    To just to add a few of my own thoughts. . .Set your own intentions and believe in a positive outcome . . . and it will be . . . We will create our own reality . . .we are in control of our own destiny and lives now . . . captains of our own soul!!

    A healthy, happy and just reality of our own choosing!

    And so it is!


  • livingagain

    I missed this! When is this program on and how can we get to see it in the US?

  • hawkaw

    Click on the following and look at the DirecTV comment - channel 366 I think???


    Edited by - hawkaw on 28 January 2003 8:17:49

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