Bizarre dream last night...

by starfish422 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • starfish422

    SIGH. I had the wierdest dream last night; it's something I wish would happen.

    I dreamed my older brother showed up at my door step and when I opened the door, he said, "Are you happy? Dad has left the JWs and Mom is divorcing him".

    It wasn't a very long dream; just my brother dropping this bombshell and then I was with my dad, who looked somehow very old, like my grandfather did before he died, and he was packing books into a box.

    Of course I'm not wishing for my parents to get divorced but overall it was positive! Maybe a prediction of future events?

  • Wolfgirl

    Probably just your unconscious mind giving "voice" to something you might like to see. Not the negative, obviously, but that you would want your dad to leave the organisation.

  • shera

    I had an odd dream the other night....a couple from bethal sent me a second hand bible,to where I work, with strange symbols and cats drawn threw out the bible.LOL

    They were trying to get me back threw this method.haha

  • Elsewhere

    A few times I have dreamed that I found myself back at the KH. I didn't want to be there and I wasn't sure why of how I got there. All I knew is I wanted to leave - real bad.

    What was odd is that I would not leave because I didn't want to upset my family who had a look as though they were excited to see me there and hoping I would stay.

    I end up enduring the "Before meeting chat" (more shunning by the people I knew) and some of the meeting, but I get to the point that I cannot stand it anymore and have to leave... again.

  • starfish422

    I've had those KH dreams too; actually I think of them as nightmares. Usually I'm expected to comment during the meeting and because I haven't seen a WT mag in almost a decade, I'm flipping madly through the mags trying to find the answers. And there's the odd dream of FS, which is pretty much the same thing; I'm at the door and trying to stumble through a presentation for a maazine I've never seen before.

    What's odd is that in my dreams that involve my dad, he never speaks to me. We see each other, are aware of each other's presence; but never actually interact.

  • shera

    Elsewhere,we share the same dream.

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