vancouver bc - backround info

by jesusstolemyhotrod 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • jesusstolemyhotrod

    i am hoping someone out there maybe from the vancouver area and help me out......i am looking for some background info

    during the late 70's and 80's, i was still quite young and all the bad or nasty stuff was hidden from young ears

    i do remember though catching wind of certain scandals and mass disfellowshippings etc.....but the details were hidden from children and quietly whispered about by the adults

    what i want to know is what did i miss out is not that i want to turn this into a mud slinging thing, cause i don't.....what i am interested in though is what was happening at those times, what kind of scandals and uprisings were taking place that helped shape the group of people i grew up under.....i want to know what made the witnesses in my area who they are today.....does that make sense.....any info any of you can share with me about what influenced or molded or tore apart my local area would be greatly appreciated

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    You can email me directly. I may have a little information for you.


  • acsot

    well, I'm not from Vancouver, so this may not be at all what you're after, but I know that James Penton disassociated himself (or was disfellowshipped, don't know for sure) around the late '70s, maybe 1980 or so. He wrote the book "Apocalyse Delayed" and is probably Canada's chief apostate, a title he should wear proudly. There was a tv program interviewing him and the shunning he was subjected to.

    Maybe this isn't at all what you're referring to, and maybe you already know all of the above, in which case my apologies.

  • jesusstolemyhotrod

    thanks ascot,

    that was the first book i ever is one of things that started it all for me

    the people of vancouver tend to be very cold at times.....bitter.....and well just plain negative.....i was more looking into what happened during those times that shaped the witnesses that i knew

  • Robert E
    Robert E

    Hello jesusstolemyhotrod

    You were asking about what happened in the early 80s or very late 70s. Well let me try to tell you what I know. I was in northern Alberta at the time.

    It was a big shake up, right from the top, one of the governing body Franz not the pez but his nephew, many member of the Bethel family, right on down to the little guy in the local congregations.

    Many of us were questioning some of the teachings, ie: chronologies, the two classes: The little flock and the other sheep, some of use believe there is only ONE faith, One HOPE and ONE baptism. There were many issues at the time. In our congregation there was about 4 or 5 families that were affected, two were disfellowshiped the rest just disassociated.

    I could go into great detail about all that was happening but I really dont know that it serves any useful purpose.

    That shake up was over doctrinal differences with some of the more senior or should I say spiritually minded ones, a lot of others got on the band wagon not so much because of the ideology, but more out of friendship and family ties.

    Anyhow if you want to ask me any thing in particular just ask..


  • Robert E
    Robert E

    James Penton and his break away group did print some monthly publications in the early days. I have most of them still.

    Plus the brother from the Governing body Raymond Franz I believe was his name, he wrote a book, its at home I forget the name of it, but it gives a good view of what when on up in the head quarters in NY.


  • Satanus

    I lived there for a short time in 1970. I was a wayword teenage dub, at the time. I hung w two other teens that had been dfd and thrown out of their homes onto the street, literally.

    While i don't know the internals of the wt there, i do know that vancouverites generally, are extreme in everything they do. It comes from their heritage. When their ancestors came to canada, at montreal, they hit the ground running, and didn't stop until they came to the other ocean.



    James Penton lived in Lethbridge, Alberta. . . I was still a loyal dub in the late 80's early 90's and living there in Lethbridge at the time. He was known to the dubs as an "Apostate" with a Capital "A". He had a following in Lethbridge and when jws called, they were often slammed because of the "Penton" scandal. I was given a "talkin' to" at one door I called on. JWs were kinda disturbed by him. . .hehehe!

    Story from my previous lifetime. . .history lesson 101. . .


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