Explosion in Whitley Village ( England)

by mouthy 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    I was sorry to hear that on Jan 20th there was a gas explosion that killed a person. This is a village that I stayed at two years ago. It is such a wonderful place...Has any in England heard more about it???/

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Mouthy..I didn't see that...But I did just read about a 7.6 earthquake that just hit Mexico..that's one big earthquake!. My brother is in L.A. Calif. and he is scared to death of earthquakes!.

    I worked with a girl from England in the bank. I loved hearing about all the differences between us. The US and England. I am sorry to hear about the explosion!...On paper it is just a story..but imagine what those that were involved are going through!...

    Being older has it's disadvantages!..seen too much!..I can imagine all the pain that must go with such a short story!.


  • mouthy

    GG How is it with you??? ( & hubby) your up late .I was just praying for you both.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Still hanging in ther Mouthy!..Social worker came today and I started to bawl!..I am such a baby..I hate to lose control like that.

    I had to explan why I told her hubby didn't want to see her..

    Her and the Pastor had the same first name and I thought she was the pastor wanting to see hubby! I finally realized she was a social worker and started to apologize!

    So then I had to explain the JW religon and how they are...Tears started to come out. I told her that Hubby and his Mom and sister and brother in law (JW's) are on one side and me and the kids and the rest of the world are on the other!..Then I explained why..

    She was very sweet and professional..I half expected her to recommend a padded cell for me!....But she started to show hubby how important this time is for us. How he should leave his Mom so to speak and be with me!...He told her he never could say NO to his Mom.. He was upset because I didn't think I could handle her staying here for 3 days. I told him one day and one night a week would be OK..I said she could stay longer and I will go to the motel down the street..but he doesn't want me to leave.Soooooooo

    I think since her hubby died 3 years ago..her son has taken his place..because now she cries to my hubby and tells him how much she misses "Dad". Now that her son is sick and WE are not up there helping her all the time....it is like she is finally realizing her husband is gone..

    And yes..I was up late last night. It used to be my favorite time to get on. I like to stay up late. But when hubby got sick I had to go to bed earlier so I could get up with him...lot of Dr appointments then..Now he goes to bed about 8 and wakes up at 12 AM..he can't sleep! And I have to stay up with him..He is pretty unsteady ad gets confused!..So then he finally goes back to sleep and I am wide awake again!..But we usually take a afternoon nap!

    I usually try to get to bed at least by 12. and get up about 8 or 8:30. Seems like the phone starts ringing at 9..............Such a life of leisure...NOT!


  • mouthy

    I have thought of you on & off all day long- I am hanging in with my prayers for you sweetie- I know how you must be feeling- Keep the tears flowing my love- that is a relief---If you keep it all inside -it will be like a pressure cooker -when it is all over you would crack. Hang in there my love----I know it is hard to believe -but try to remember "'yeah though you walk through the valley of the Shadow of death----He is with you ( I remember when I went through that with my kids & hubbys death -I didnt want to hear that-) but down the road when you look back you will see where you are seeing "those footsteps in the sand carrying you though this time....((((( Hugs ))))

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