Not being a Jehovah's Witness's and why.

by Pepper 2 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Pepper

    Not being a Jehovahs Witness and why, there could be more reasons but these are the most pressing presently.

    1. The improper handling of my daughters abuse by the leaders (elders).
    2. Being required to shun family members or you will be disassociated.
    3. The condescending attitude of my brother in-law who is a leader in the congregation, and improperly handled my daughter's sexual abuse.
    4. No reasonable accommodation for my mental disability, during sessions at the hall in connection with needing to be alone at times because of complex partial seizures and having to retreat to the back room because i lose contact with my surroundings,
    5. Cannot follow along in the bible while someone is speaking on podium at the same time, in hall it causes partial seizures caused from fall fromm my roof.
    6. The only friends youre allowed to have are Jehovahs Witnesss or you will be marked as bad association.
    7. Cannot go to a bar on a regular basis to sing or play pool or you will be marked as bad association.
    8. Cannot date a Witness woman to get to know her, except under controlled circumstances only to be scrutinized by the elders.
    9. Living with the dread of displeasing God, and the thought of losing my children by Gods hand.
    10. Not wanting to ever again shun my brother Dan or any family member or friend because I know what its like to be dealt with in that manor its hardly loving its only controlling.
    11. Many questions remain not assured about the doctrine and those who govern the religion, if you seek answers concerning such questions you are labeled an apostate the lowest designation for a wrong doer and to the witnesss paramount to resisting God him self, which is unreasonable.
    12. Being required to accept and conform to the Witness judicial standards and bylaws even if by doing so will infringe on your civil rights, such as (being represented by legal counsel, and having an observer or transcriber during a judicial hearing or tapping the meeting, when they are themselves are taking notes they demand you cannot avail your self of the same protection) logic dictates it would be folly to trust an arrangement like that. You told to trust them because God appointed them.
    13. Elders have a book that is not viewed upon by regular members it is used for judicial hearings, even in the so called worldly courts of law prison inmates have access to law librarys to learn of judicial procedure in their behalf, but not if youre a Jehovahs Witness your not accorded this privilege. This fact is denied and most of the members mock you if you mention that it exists and again you likely will be reported to elders or be marked and then talks given to the congregation about being faithful to God by being faithful to the organization if conversation spreads concerning it, again too much control in the hands of a few, and the organization occupying Gods place like the Pope of Rome.

    In summery what ever happened to God directing Christ to his sheep, is there really a kind God who even gives a dam? Pepper.

  • gumby

    In summery what ever happened to God directing Christ to his sheep, is there really a kind God who even gives a dam? Pepper.

    Good question pepper......and one many of us ponder.

    Why a loving God would allow suffering to his creation made after his own image is beyond many.

    If a God certainly does NOT MEAN you need to submit to an organisation such as the WTBTS to believe in . Many of us here have pleaded in sincerity for truth and guidence from God and are STILL looking. Why doesn't he answer?

    The organisation you question claims they have existed since pentecost of 33 ce. Ask them to tell you where C.T. Russell ever talked to any of them or knew them. There wasn't any. They can't name any, yet their belief is built upon the fact that this truth was passed on from one generation of the faithful the next. Russell never had any of them prior to him ....pass it on to him. Their history is a lie.

    Take care


  • KGB

    Can we really find a single religion that does not have at least one thing we do not agree with? No because of imperfection in man its impossible. I have learned that it is better to worry about my own salvation than it is to worry about everyone elses. Everyone has there comfort and if it feels good to them then so be it. You are you for you and I am I for me. I think the most important thing to remember is to always be comfortable within yourself in whatever fits best no matter what we all decide to believe in. Peace Be with you all

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