When in FS...

by starfish422 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • starfish422

    When you went out in service with a group, did you alternate whose call it was, with each house? Or did you have to keep knocking until you found someone at home, then move on to the next person in the group?

    We did it the former way; and thank goodness for rural territories!! I hated going in service in the city because they seemed to do it the latter way!

  • Francois

    I loved the rurals too, especially the rurals back up in the mountains of East Tennessee. Took hours to get there, and every manchild in the valley wanted to feed you lunch and talk about Jaysus!


  • freedom96

    Did it both ways. Either way though I prayed for not-at-homes! Going out in service really sucked. I can bring myself around to do pretty much anything, but I could not stomach doing that again.

  • Nosferatu

    I used to always pretend I was too shy or too nervous to speak at the doors, no matter how much preparation me and an elder and/or brother did. Occasionally, I'd take a door all by myself just to throw everyone into a loop that I was making progress. Then I would go back into my shell next time I went back out in the FS. This strategy worked very well for me.

  • ChakkaConned


    Thank Gawd we did it the first way, rural or city. If we hadn't have, the first person would have had no skin left on their knuckles since people were rarely at home. There was more than just one person needing to ditch place old mags and tracts at the not at homes!

  • LovesDubs

    We did house over house person over person because in suburban chicago you ran the risk of getting somebody home at every house LOL!! The RISK you know LOL! We never would stop to talk to somebody mowing their LAWN for gods sake...too scared to do that. But we would beat down the door at the place where there were 15 old newspapers and half foot long grass like there was a chance in HELL of anybody being home there :) God I hated FS. I think the GREAT majority of JWs do. It just goes against ALL human nature.

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