A visit from my fleshly sister!!!

by starfish422 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • starfish422

    Hi friends,

    Just had to share that I had a visit this evening, albeit a short one, from my sister! She is 19 and has always had a mind of her own, although she still seems to be living in "the truth". Still lives with our parents though, so after she moves out, who knows? Anyways, she drops in to see me at work every couple of months, and this evening she actually came to the house for a visit! She saw my son for the first time since he was three days old. It bothers me that our visits have to be so covert (our parents and older brothers, all JWs, do not know that she is in contact with me). But for now, I'll take it!

    I keep hoping that her eyes will be opened and she will eventually see the Borg for what it is. Keep us in your thoughts! :)

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I'm glad for you starfish.....who knows, maybe this is the first 'pick' to a rock that will eventually crumble.

  • Stephanus

    Damn! I thought you meant worldly when you said fleshly. So she's still a Dub?

  • starfish422

    Yes, she is, Stephanus. But obviously if she's contacting me, she has doubts as to the validity of all of the Borg's directives.

    I think the biggest obstacle to her leaving is that she was still at home in the years following my departure, and she saw what it did to my family, particularly my parents. She has not heard my side of it yet, though, as when we are together we don't talk about it much. Some day we will. :)

  • Quotes

    Hi Starfish,

    Glad to hear that at least one member of your family is not shunning you!

    I'm off to see my parents tomorrow (Sunday). I will bring up your name casually, if possible, and see if anybody has remembered you to my D.R. Elder brother. I know my mom said she would, but maybe she just forgot.

    Hey, what am I thinking? I will send you an email with my cell phone number. You can contact me and we can get together for a coffee on Sunday or Monday (or Tuesday).

    Look for the email from Quotes...

  • starfish422

    Hey Quotes! Hawk had mentioned you would be coming this way in the next couple of weeks; sounds great! Can't wait! :D

  • Scully


    If you have time to swing up toward the Nation's Capital, let me know..... I'm off work for a few days starting Monday morning... I'll give you a call on your cell phone later today (Sunday) or sometime on Monday.

    Love, Scully

  • ugg

    happy to hear that at least you have a little family comfort....hope it gets better in the future...it is so sad what is done in the name of religion....

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