Being a Jehovah's Witness

by Pepper 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Pepper

    Being a Jehovahs Witness, and why I had to back away for five years of a life long membership.

    1. The improper handling of my daughters abuse by the leaders.
    2. Being required to shun family members or you will be disassociated.
    3. The condescending attitude of my brother in-law who is a leader in the congregation.
    4. No reasonable accommodation for my mental disability during sessions at the hall in connection with needing to be alone at times because of complex partial seizures and aneed for retreating in back room.
    5. Cannot follow along in bible while someone is speaking on podium at the same time in hall, it causes partial seizures.
    6. The only friends youre allowed to have are Jehovahs Witnesss or you will be marked as bad association.
    7. Cannot go to a bar on a regular basis to sing or you will be marked as bad association, even if your not drinking at all.
    8. Cannot date a Witness woman to get to know her, except under controlled circumstances only to be scrutinized by the elders.
    9. Living with the dread of displeasing God, and the thought of losing my children by Gods hand.
    10. Not wanting to ever again shun my brother Dan or any family member or friend because I know what its like to be dealt with in that manor its hardly loving its only controlling.
    11. Many questions remain not assured about the doctrine and those who govern the religion, if you seek answers concerning such questions you are labeled an apostate the lowest designation for a wrong doer and to the witnesss paramount to resisting God him self, which is unreasonable.
    12. Being required to accept and conform to the Witness judicial standards and bylaws even if by doing so will infringe on your civil rights, such as (being represented by legal counsel, and having an observer or transcriber during a judicial hearing or tapping the meeting, when they are themselves are taking notes they demand you cannot avail your self of the same protection) logic dictates it would be folly to trust an arrangement like that. Your told to trust them because God appointed them.
    13. Elders have a book that is not viewed upon by regular members it is used for judicial hearings, even in the so called worldly courts of law prison inmates have access to law librarys to learn of judicial procedure in their behalf, but not if youre a Jehovahs Witness your not accorded this privilege. This fact is denied and most of the members mock you if you mention that it exists and again you likely will be reported to elders or be marked and then talks given to the congregation about being faithful to God by being faithful to the organization if conversation spreads concerning it, again too much control in the hands of a few, and the organization occupying Gods place like the Pope of Rome.
  • SPAZnik

    You make many good points Pepper.

    I especially relate to the emphasis on judgement. Also, for all the time the witnesses spend wagging their finger at the pope and pointing out that he can't be infallible, perhaps they should try setting an example in humility by taking a look at their own attitudes towards their own fallibility.


  • reubenfine

    Hey, Pepper, nice post. Wanna play Sneaky Army? hehe (An old game from our childhood).

    Hey, send me some more funny emails.


  • Utopian_Raindrops


    Your reasons are right on the money!

    The improper handling of my daughters abuse by the leaders

    I know of 3 girls from the same cong! All improperly treated! One tried to kill herself last year. The treatment of abused children in many Religions reeks to High Heaven! I often wonder how they still can remain so blind.

    Not wanting to ever again shun my brother Dan or any family member or friend because I know what its like to be dealt with in that manor its hardly loving its only controlling.

    The only friends youre allowed to have are Jehovahs Witnesss or you will be marked as bad association

    Being required to shun family members or you will be disassociated

    Notice so many of your reasons has to do with ISOLATING people! This way they have control of you. You get no happiness from anyone but the Congregation. Although one might not think they are Isolated because there maybe 75 plus people in the cong an Introverted Society is a form of isolation. No opinions except those expressed in harmony with the collective group are allowed. This is isolationism. This is a very unhealthy and spirit breaking practice.

    No reasonable accommodation for my mental disability during sessions at the hall in connection with needing to be alone at times because of complex partial seizures and aneed for retreating in back room

    Cannot follow along in bible while someone is speaking on podium at the same time in hall, it causes partial seizures

    Although these people claim to serve God the leaders do not show any compassion for those with life challenges. I am sure many here can attest to that fact. Before my son was born (he is autistic) I knew many moms with children of special challenges who felt all ALONE in The Truth. No one would reach out. No one would help. Often they were shunned because of their childs so called unacceptable behavior. Can you imagine? In a place that is supposed to serve God? Of course you can imagine Pepper and I am glad you have left such cruel and brutal treatment.

    This kind of treatment is another sign of an unhealthy environment. Introverted Societies often become animalistic in character. As a JW I noticed how single women and single mothers were treated in a brutal manor. That is because they were the weakest in the pack. With no mates to protect them they were left out in the cold, hungry and alone.

    So often when they would give talks about not Isolating yourself I would think but, I am very Isolated and alone even here in Jehovahs Kingdom Hall.

    Living with the dread of displeasing God, and the thought of losing my children by Gods hand.

    FEAR: Isnt that how an abusive spouse or parent keeps control over a person? You cannot make it without me! Without me where would you be? You couldnt make it to save your life without me?

    What about animals? Isnt FEAR what they use to keep control over their territory? They spray the boundaries of the woods. The Bear leaves deep claw scratches in the bark of trees.

    Over and over we were told not to Isolate ourselves and yet look what they have done!

    They have made a world wide Introverted ISOALTED Society!

    They themselves the Governing Body are Isolated Men mostly till of late all Anglo trying to RULE over a diversely ethnic World Wide Society!

    Being required to accept and conform to the Witness judicial standards and bylaws even if by doing so will infringe on your civil rights, such as (being represented by legal counsel, and having an observer or transcriber during a judicial hearing or tapping the meeting, when they are themselves are taking notes they demand you cannot avail your self of the same protection) logic dictates it would be folly to trust an arrangement like that. Youre told to trust them because God appointed them.

    Elders have a book that is not viewed upon by regular members it is used for judicial hearings, even in the so called worldly courts of law prison inmates have access to law libraries to learn of judicial procedure in their behalf, but not if youre a Jehovahs Witness your not accorded this privilege. This fact is denied and most of the members mock you if you mention that it exists and again you likely will be reported to elders or be marked and then talks given to the congregation about being faithful to God by being faithful to the organization if conversation spreads concerning it, again too much control in the hands of a few, and the organization occupying Gods place like the Pope of Rome.

    More, examples of animalistic behavior of an Introverted Society. If you are deemed a Danger to them they gather around you in a pack taking their bites from each side of you. Although they have the minds of men they are working with the precision of a wolves protecting their pack. A group of wolves attacking together from all angles can take down a bear. A Group of elders all working together with secret information you know nothing about can take down a so-called Apostate or Unclean person in one Judicial Committee Meeting.

    Have to say I dont really blame any R&F JW or even The Elders who do not know any better yet. I believe all the blame is on The Men at HQ who have Isolated themselves in luxury and power!

    Proverbs 18:1---- One isolating himself will seek [his own] selfish longing, against all practical wisdom he will break forth.

    I believe this scripture describes the Governing Body to the T. As one can be Isolated in a group setting. They are their own Secret Society.

    You touched so many valid points for leaving Pepper! I am so glad you are out Of The Fantasy World Created For The Amusement Of Power Hungry Men!



  • Pepper

    Oh Lyle, I would love to come over and play sneeky army again, what a kick that would be.

    Friends and family, should be things that endure, but I have noticed that to be a Jehovah's Witness's they are second to the organization, even God is secondary. I called an old friend I knew a long time ago, he is an elder now we grew up together I just wanted to see how he was doing but like a puppet right out of his mouth he wanted to know if was disfellowshiped rather than know how I am. I said no I just have not gone to a meeting for a very long time for reasons stated above, for every fact I addressed he had a come back that seemed rehersed but failing to take into consideration that we are humans, and it should be we worship not an oganization but God. Pepper

  • neyank

    Hi Pepper,

    "and it should be we worship not an oganization but God"

    It's amazing how many refuse to believe this to be the case with JWS.

    They are guilty of idol worship.

    The WTS IS their God.

    After all the proof that is out there, after all false prophecies, after all the false teachings, after all the unChristian behaviour, Most JWS will continue to worship the WTS as if it is God.


  • Dacke

    Most of the numbered points in the first posts has only to do with certain people and their personal views. I am a witness in london, and i go to the pub and i drink. sometimes the elders come along. i can't even be bothered to counter the other statements. bad handling of abuse is always tragic and i'm sorry for your daughter and yourself. but you've heaped on a load of lies onto your "excuse" (you don't need one, you know) for leaving the truth.

  • TheOldHippie

    I wouldn't use the same language as you, Dacke, and I do not want to be viewed as having no compasion, but the numbers 2,6,7,8,10,11 are not "valid"; there is nothing to "prevent" you from this, and one should be careful not to mix personal reasons with valid, objective reasons and untrue statements.

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Dacke and hippie,

    1 st let me say that since I have started coming on the net I have found that The Truth is different in many countries.

    Although they will CLAIM we all get the same spiritual food and guidance this is not true.

    For instance I was shocked when I met JWs on line who went to collage, went dancing in clubs, had worldly friends they went out with, could watch what would be rated R movies here, and to TOP it off one of the most shocking was some countries could chose alternative service in the military as opposed to become fighting soldiers! Here if they draft our brothers go to JAIL!

    My friends being a JW is VERY different here in the USA! At times it can be like belonging to The Puritan Religion!

    Here you can get at least reproof and maybe even dissed for going to a bar or having worldly friends.

    You cannot be a MS and do those things.

    In many congs if you DO NOT shun your family who have been dissed you yourself can be dissed.

    This is just how it is! The WTBS has become like they accused Christendom of being.

    When I was a study they claimed Christendom i.e. The Catholic Church would go from country to country and adopt their pagan ways so as to gain members.

    As I make more friends on the net I have found The WTBS has done this time and again.

    Look at the AWAKE June 8 th and see how they even adopt pagan practices not just things they have taught US Citizens are morally wrong.

    On top of that they have made a double standard for themselves, i.e. The NGO membership with The United Nations.

    As the Euro spreads and wealth is more prominent worldwide you will see the WTs greed and true nature. The more money people have to donate.I mean spend the more they will want to control and manipulate you!

    Do some research and find out The Truth of The Troof.

    Ciao 4 now,

    Agape, U_R

  • Pepper

    "Dacke" no reason for me to lie about the points mentioned that HAVE happened to me, so, that's the reason that I have not lied.
    As regard for you insinuating that I am liar: well Karma will be worked out on you too, I have seen it too man times in my 49 years of life.

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