The Society's "evidence"

by RunningMan 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    I came across an interesting quote this morning, that made me think of our common plight. I was looking at a website regarding Rosemary Jacob. She took colloidal silver many years ago, and has been permanently damaged by it. :

    Anyway, she made an interesting statement regarding the promoters of the product: "Both Rosemary and the FDA have asked them for their proof. All they get are quotes from old quacks who manufactured the stuff at the turn of the century, misquotes from reputable authors and wonderful anecdotes. 'I've taken it everyday for four years and feel great,' the saleslady says."

    She also talks about selective reporting.

    So, the evidence for the product consists of:
    - quotes from old quacks
    - misquotes from reputable authors
    - selective quoting of news articles
    - anecdotes

    Isn't this precisely the same evidence that the society uses to prove that we are in the time of the end? It appears that medical and religious hucksterism is related.

    The Society is just a snake oil salesman in the field of religion.

  • jgnat

    A very successful snake oil salesman...

  • AlanF

    : Isn't this precisely the same evidence that the society uses to prove that we are in the time of the end? It appears that medical and religious hucksterism is related.

    Dead nuts on.


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