What if............

by freedom96 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    The WTS always taught that there is absolutely no life anywhere in the universe except here on earth.


    Because the bible doesn't talk about it, therfore it don't exist.

    Seems to me that is rather poor logic. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, who is spiritually minded. He goes to church every Sunday, good straight thinker, etc, and I respect his opinions. I told him what the WTS taught regarding this subject.

    I told him that I certainly believe that there are other planets that are capable of sustaining life, and I think that there are no doubt other planets that do support at least plant life. Other life as we know it, I wasn't sure.

    He told me that using the bible as a belief center, there is no reason not to believe that there are perhaps hundreds or more other planets just like ours. His thought was that just because the bible talks about life on planet earth, doesn' t automatically mean that there isn't life elsewhere.

    That got me thinking. Maybe God is so huge and powerful, that there are indeed many other places that carry life. Who are we to think that we are all it?

    That doesn't mean that I think there are green aliens out there going to try to take over our world. Just wondering, could it be that God has other projects out there besides us? If he created us, certainly he could create many more of us. If so, isn't that kind of exciting?

  • Blueblades

    Here is the Society's logic:since the Devil rebelled here,since Jesus died here ,the issues have not been settled yet.So God has not created life anywhere else until the issues raised by Satan are settled here where his Son died .

    Logically,as the Society goes on to teach, since Satan zeroed His attention to the Garden of Eden it must of been the only place in the universe that had intelligent life on it, ( you know Adam & Eve ) why else would Satan pick a fight here and not somewhere else? Why else would God have his Son Murdered (SACRIFICED) here and not somewhere else?

    Other than this belief system,what's a SCIENTIST to think about all this? Blueblades

  • JNS2

    It's SO easy to forget just how mind numbingly large the universe is. But there MUST be more going on in the universe than just the things on the Earth. Thinking we are alone in the universe seems like the height of ethnocentricism.....

  • aluminutty

    Exactly! You shouldn't be surprised, though, its not like mankind has established a great track record in the huberous department or anything. <grin>
    I've always thought it odd how as a species we under estimate our abilities and achievements and at the same time inflate them almost to bursting. We will make rediculous claims like "we're alone in the Universe" or "inteligence could only evolve on earth" as if to say, we're somehow favored beings. Countering this extreme is the notion that we will destroy ourselves, that we are somehow worthy of God's wrath, that we are natures equivalent to satan spawn, etc., etc.

    As a species, not to mension as individuals, we are unique, yes, how true, but life isn't unique. It can't be. If this little planet we call Earth is truely alone, a freek occurrence in an otherwise stayrel universe, the obvious question "What's the bloody point?" would resoundacross the land.

    We are living in an age where in astronomers have discovered literally hundreds of extra solar worlds -- those bodies orbiting stars outside of our solar system. These discoveries strengthen current theorys of how solar systems form, and demonstrate that the conditions favorable for the creation of life in our solar system are not unique.<p class="editedBy">Edited by - aluminutty on 16 January 1776, 1:6:22</p>

    Praise Jehovah!!!!!

    Edited by - aluminutty on 16 January 2003 1:10:18

  • RunningMan

    Here is their logic (I'm not sure if this is official, or just folklore):

    The issue of universal sovereignty arose in the garden of eden. If there were other created civilizations prior to us, one of the two following situations must have existed:

    1. They sinned. If this were true, the issue would have arisen there first. The fact that it was still an issue indicates that they could not have sinned.

    2. The did not sin. In this case, the issue would already be settled in God's favor. The fact that is was still an issue indicates that they could not have not sinned.

    Therefore, the only answer is that there are no prior alien civilizations.

    Or, the whole thing is just fantasy.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    In one of my not-so-lucid moments I began to think about the parasites on our skin. They have their own little world, and to them we are the BIG GOD. Maybe they pray to *us*? Perhaps we are just parasites on some other Big God's skin. <wonders if parasites have little highways, airports and sky-scrapers on her body; and whether there is a tiny Osama Bin Laden terrorist bombing teeny little skyscrapers; wonders if she should step in>

    <loses it>


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