Watch Tower persecution tape?

by Witch Child 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    Has anyone heard about a tape all jws were given recently that puports to show what they will all soon be suffering in the "war?" Someone posted about it on another site but had fairly limited information... I would be very interested in this tape as I am sure my ex will show this horror (assuming it exists) to my kids... I hear it is a terribly upsetting tape leving kids crying and upset for days. My oldest has been acting out quite a bit and I wonder if maybe he's seen it... I can't ask him till he gets home from school.


  • shera

    I would like to know more about it.Let us know please...

  • blondie

    The only video that came out recently is about Korah rebelling against Moses from the 2001 District Convention. It shows the rebellers being swallowed up by a crack in the earth, and the 250 being burnt by fire from Jah into ashes. It is no where near as graphic as the average movie today.

    Blondie (who just watched it)

  • shera

    Thanks Blondie,

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    no, what I heard about was specifically passed out to all jws at their halls. I supposedly shows starving people/jws etc. It is supposedly meant to prepare them for the suffering they about to endure... I don't think it has to do with the Korah tape....

    who knows...

  • Pistoff

    I attend about a fourth to a third of the meetings; I have heard of no such thing, and neither has the wife or son, who attend almost all.

  • TheOldHippie

    Witch Childe, that is but a faked story. Nothing like that exists.

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    Thanks to all. I have kids who are forced by their jw dad to attend meetings, go door to door, listen to bible tapes etc etc.... I was just worried due to some acting out I was seeing, not wanting to go with dad etc.

    I am glad this was a hoax!


  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    I know why the kids don't want to go with Dad:

    I have kids who are forced by their jw dad to attend meetings, go door to door, listen to bible tapes etc etc

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