USA National debt hits 18 trillion dollars

by fulltimestudent 3 Replies latest social current

  • fulltimestudent

    Three weeks ago, the citizens in Beijing, China paraded Tiananmen Square, celebrating the milestone with hugs, jubilant cheers, and singing. Over 600,000 Chinese citizens assembled in Tiananmen Square to watch the U.S. debt clock mounted above the Forbidden City reach the landmark sum of $18 trillion dollars.

    “You could stay home and watch it on TV, but it’s much more exciting to be here with people from all over the country to celebrate this momentous day,” said Beijing resident Xiao Bu, noting that he always arrives in the early morning to stake out a good location in the square every time America’s debt rises by another trillion.

    “I remember my father taking me to see the $5 trillion mark so long ago, and now I’m bringing my own children here to take part in the festivities. It’s really a special part of our nation’s culture.”

    While most revelers left shortly after the rollover, an estimated 100,000 reportedly decided to just wait around in the square until the clock struck $19 trillion.

    At the moment, the U.S national debt had decreased by a small amount since the rollover, amounting to just under 18 trillion dollars in debt.

    In 2008, the U.S standard debt clock that towered New York City had reached 10 trillion. A new debt-clock was constructed shortly, due to the fact that the clock had run out of digits! 6 years later, in 2014, the U.S debt clock is displaying nearly twice that amount.

    Interestingly, even though I read the internet based, English editions, of Chinese newspapers every day, I do not recall seeing mention of this moment of social interest.

  • fulltimestudent
    Interestingly, even though I read the internet based, English editions, of Chinese newspapers every day, I do not recall seeing mention of this moment of social interest.

    Sorry! I forgot to format the above post. Those words were mine, the rest from 'Three weeks ago down to and including the web-link, came from a post on a web-page called anonymous.

    Didn't think at the time I posted, but have since. Likely you're brighter than me, and realised who this Anonymous is-

    so who is it?

    Why of course, its that anonymous!!

    its that Anonymous.

    So is the story fake?

    Well the part about the US National debt is true

    check it out here: -scary isn't it?

    But the bit about the Chinese watching it in Beijing - can't find it in any Chinese source, but did notice it agains in:

    So I confess, I've been had twice in my life - in connection with this fake news, and of course, I was had by Jesus fake claim.

  • Crazyguy
    I think the US will get its spending in order about the same time as when Jesus comes back.
  • SecretSlaveClass
    Lol fulltimestudent is a hoot!

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