Tacititus and the Jews

by sableindian 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sableindian

    The WT frequently quotes Herodotus and Tacitus. It is interesting to see what Herodotus says about Egyptians as an eye witness account in his day. And in Tacitus' account of the origin of the Jews, he puts them with Egyptians, Phoenicians and Ethiopians. Is there any wonder why the Jewish woman from Shulam said, "I am Black"? The sun can make Black people Black from the sun. We see on the inscriptions of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Etruscans and Edomites. Just to name a few. But the WT does not depict these ancient people the way the eye witness accounts show them.

    Instead we have the media accounts of the Ten Commandments, Jesus of Nazareth, etc. In Egypt alone there was a variety of colors of skin. Just like a beautiful garden of many flowers. It's too bad that when the opportunity comes to show such variety, the WT still has that Russell mentality.


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