Oh So Codependent With You

by COMF 6 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • COMF

    Could apply to one's relationship with a controlling, abusive organization, too... reckon?

    codependent (ko'di-pen'dent)
    Of or relating to a relationship in which one person is psychologically dependent in an unhealthy way on someone who is addicted to a drug or self-destructive behavior, such as chronic gambling.

    Codependent With You (mp3, 3540 kb)

    Codependent With you by The Chenille Sisters

    You hold your breath, dear
    And I turn blue
    Cause I'm so codependent with you.

    How sublime it feels
    To be head over heels

    Your life was screwed up
    Now mine is too
    Cause I'm so codependent with you.

    You're unstable you
    I'll enable you
    I'm codependent

    Unfeeling--ha! You're way off the curve.
    But darling, that's fine
    You're all I deserve.

    I'm hooked on the hell that
    You put me through
    And the pipe dream of salvaging you.

    You're my albatross
    But you're still the boss
    I'm codependent

    Addicted--so addicted to all your allures
    That when I die
    The life that flashes before me will be yours

    Sick as it is, I'll
    Stick like glue
    Though a snake gets more love in the zoo.

    I'm no garter, dear
    I'm a martyr, dear
    Who is oh

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    2 Odd COMF,

    I was reading your thread while listening to Salivas ALWAYS Very Codependent song.

    You can click here and take a listen.http://www.islandrecords.com/saliva/

    Ciao, Agape, U_R

  • ugg

    very sad,,,,but....oh so true....takes alot to over this

  • animal

    Everyone is codependent, some in a good way, others in a bad way. We all learn to be what we are based on our parents, thier parents, etc. I do not feel the JW Kult makes people codependent, but rather it attracts people that are codependent... not able to make thier own decisions. Other Kults are set up the same way, offer people that which they want. People want to "feel" superiour, even tho they know they arent. By putting down the rest of the "world" as evil and hopeless, they put themselves on a pedistal. It is attractive to some.


  • COMF

    UR, thanks for that link. Very nice harmonies they do.

  • Banshee

    Thank you, COMF, for posting those song lyrics. Very good description of codependent relationships.

    For people who feel that the lyrics to the song Codependent With You are an apt description of a relationship you are currently part of, I strongly recommend the book Codependent No More by Melody Beattie. This book gave me a lot of insight on how to change myself and my relationships with others from unhealthy to healthy. I found it an insightful book and hope that others will also benefit from reading it.

    Thanks again, COMF!


  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Glad you like Saliva COMF.

    Always is one of my fav songs.

    This was an interesting thread.....made me think..

    Grasias amigo.......para ti..



    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 6 January 2003 19:23:42

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