A Question for All JWs to Ponder

by radar 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar

    If the governing body are spirit directed, Why do they need to vote on issues pertaining to faith?

    If 12 governing body members vote, and say 5 vote in favour of one understanding but 7 vote in favour of the opposite.
    Does this mean that the 5 who were not of the majorityv, did not have Jehovah's Spirit on the matter?

    Is the majority rule, the right one, the Spirit directed one?

    Would you be prepared tp sacrifice your life or that of others knowing a majority rule vote was made by the GB, on matters such as Blood or holding a Political Card?


    Maybe that's the way they weed out the scumbags. You know, like that infidel Ray Franz!

  • happy man
    happy man

    I read some where that they do not make changes if they dont have 2/3 majority,

    seems to mee thet it is the same as in a elder grop, in some way we must decide, or what do you think, and woting is the only way as i se it.

    One other thing how many here forget is that thing change, it is diffrent men in this group now then it was 50 yeras ago, and times change also, then things must be changed , like this blood poyci, i think it is very good that we now can putt it before jehova if we can take bloodfraktions from evry part of the blood, perhaps this is a step to other things, we must understand it is Jehova and Crist who judge not men.

    I hade understnad that if GB changes something the most here complain, if they dont change they also complian, must be momet 22 to sadicfied most peopel,on this site.

    widh love from HM


  • jgnat

    If the GB is 1/3 imperfect, then perhaps 1/3 of the doctrine is flawed. The imperfect sheep should then be able to ignore 1/3 of the stupid rules.

  • radar


    In what way would you say the GB are spirit directed, that sets them apart from others?


    I'll have whatever happy man's having!

  • back2dafront

    Happy Man,

    You said:

    it is diffrent men in this group now then it was 50 yeras ago, and times change also, then things must be changed , like this blood poyci

    Where does it indicate this in the Bible? If these men were to have the power to change things as the years go by, you'd think there would be something in the scriptures indicating such - I mean, to change God's Word is not a minor thing. Changes in the Bible are well documented (the 10 commandments, Jesus' ransom sacrifice, etc.) and there's no doubt that God's spirit was behind such things, so why do you think it would be different now?

    And what has happened in the last 50 years that would warrant such a major change in a seemingly vital, important doctrine such as the blood policy? You really think God feels it's time to relax His laws now and allow people to have blood fractions transfused, whereas before it was strictly forbidden? I can tell you one thing, if I had a loved one die one year ago because of their stand on the blood issue and then had the laws "revamped" now to permit blood transfusions, I would be one extremely unhappy JW.

    It's not right to be playing around with peoples LIVES like this. Does it really set well with you that they have this power over so many human lives?? Decisions that determine whether someone lives or dies are voted on by 12 men in a room - majority of the vote wins - you're okay with that?

    I just don't get it. If Jehovah and Jesus are the ones who judge in the end, it seems more things should be left up to an individuals conscience, don't you think? That way no man is trying to play the role of Judge Jehovah. The Elders should be a body of men very similar to guidance counselors at school - they are there to talk to and seek advice, not to judge anyone. Yet that is what they do. They judge peoples heart conditions, which I thought was only REALLY possible by God.

    What say Happy man? I'm anxious to hear your thoughts on this.

    Take care,


  • hooberus

    What about the situation in 1917 in which the majority (4 of 7) of the board of directors were kicked out. The Watchtower has even said that the board of directors was the Governing Body back then!

    So the MAJORITY of the GOVERNING BODY was thrown out! *

    *based on a technicality of pennsylvania corporate law.

  • whyhideit

    Our government thinks they are "One nation under God" and yet we respect the vote of man to direct our actions. Not that I am supporting the Witnesses methods, but your question kind of brought that to mind. Just look at your American money, it says "In God we trust."

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