by TR 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • TR

    Is it morally wrong? Obviously it's illegal to kill a rapist, unless maybe they are caught in the act. But to premeditate the killing of a child rapist? Is it the same as killing an abortion doctor? A serial killer? A plain old murderer? Should the courts have leniency for people convicted of killing a known child rapist, especially if the child is related to them? Or would that lead to wide spread vigilanteism and wrongful killings?

    Obviously I have no sympathy for people who hurt kids.

    TR- Wants child rapists dead, class.

  • Yizuman
    Is it morally wrong?

    Not it isn't, it the moral thing to do for the sake of protecting society from their evils.

    Obviously it's illegal to kill a rapist, unless maybe they are caught in the act. But to premeditate the killing of a child rapist? Is it the same as killing an abortion doctor? A serial killer? A plain old murderer? Should the courts have leniency for people convicted of killing a known child rapist, especially if the child is related to them? Or would that lead to wide spread vigilanteism and wrongful killings?

    Unfortunatly we're not killing these so called doctors who murder unborn babies all in the name of money. They make a range of $400 to a grand per kill, depending on the age of the unborn child. Even partical birth abortion is wrong. They are killing near full term babies who are capable of surviving outside the womb by birthing them out except for the head then they take a pair of sissors and stab the back neck base of their skulls. Then they insert a vacumn tube into the skull and suck their brains out. All the while the baby's head is still inside the womb that their screams are muffled when the sissor is inserted into the skull.

    So do they deserve to be killed? Yes they do. But only AFTER they have been tried and convicted in the court room. Anyone taking the law into their hands to kill a baby killer is not serving justice, they're serving murder. Two wrongs don't make it right.

    Same goes for any of the above as mentioned in the quote box.

    There should be NO leniency for their crimes whether the criminals and the victims are related or not.


  • rocky220

    I wouldn't cry..........rocky220


    They should be tried by a court of law,and if found guilty..EXECUTED!!...OUTLAW

  • jesussaves

    Did you all see the movie 'A Time to Kill'? It's about this very topic. I'm not really a supporter of capital punishment, but it makes more sense to me that a child rapist be executed as opposed to maybe a drug dealer killing a fellow drug dealer. I wouldn't cry either!

  • StinkyPantz

    I think that certain crimes other than murder should be capital crimes (rape, child sexual abuse, etc), but it could cause more problems than it's worth. For example, how old is a child, under 18? If so then statutory rapist should be killed too. What if it's a 18 year old convicted of "raping" his 15 year old girlfriend? Should he die? In addition, yes there would be plenty of vigilanties and wrongful killings unfortunately.

  • Abaddon

    I think you will find that the number of people found NOT GUILTY of a previous conviction for murder on a retrial is greater than the number of people who are actually executed following a conviction for murder. These are American stats, feel free to check them.

    This means that the legal process is so screwed up that more people are unjustly found guilty of murder than are actually executed for murder. Fortunately miscarraiges of justice are usually stopped before the execution.

    However, the stats mean you would have to be a fool to assert that no innocent person is ever murdered by the legal system.

    As there are viable alternatives to execution that give some possibility of mistakes being rectified (i.e. prison), there is really no execuse for judicial killing.

    You may feel it provides justice, but it also causes injustice. Think on it, sat in old sparky, wating for the end, knowing you're not guilty. Say to me you'd be willing to die like that and I can take you approving of the death penalty seriously - if I believe you.

    Also, all a mandatory death sentence for child molestors would do is make sure more of them kill children, as they have nothing to lose. Thus a commendable desire for justice can actually turn out to cause even more suffering for those it is intended to protect.

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