Did you ever get anyone baptized?

by freedom96 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    With all the door to door work, actually finding someone to study with was difficult enough, and then to actually bring them to the point of baptizm, that seemed nearly impossible. But it has happened. Did you ever achieve that?

    Or, was it more likely a friend that you brought in? You knew them, they knew you, they checked it out, and then they got baptized. Did that ever happen?

    In my parents case, my mom got introduced to the WTS through a relative, and then met my dad at work. He wanted to date her, but couldn't unless he became one. So these were not door to door.

    But my main question is this: For those who you got in, do they still talk to you? Were you able to bring them back out? Are they angry?

  • hamptonite21

    I had several bible studies that got baptised in my 6yrs of pioneering, not one of them that i recall was from the door to door work. Most were children of witnesses and friends of friends.

  • JH

    No, I never got anyone baptized. I even had a hard time getting people to listen to me door to door. I was not the type to twist a person's arm to study. I offered books magazines, even a bible study to many but It had to come from them. Other brothers/sisters were more like salesmen trying hard to sell a bible study. I never believed in forcing someone to accept my point of view. I guess the watchtower failed with me.

  • jazbug

    >I hate to admit it but I brought over 25 people into the WTS...some were acquaintances, some were friends or relatives of other JW's, but many were from door-to-door. Soon after I was baptized, I started studying with 3 people from one family that I found d-d and then several of their relatives came in from surrounding territories. Today I don't know where most of these people are. I tried to call one who I know is inactive to talk to her recently about my new found "truth" and she went ballistic, still loyal to the WTS.

    I wish I knew how to get those people back out cause I sure feel bad about getting them in in the first place. A very dear friend of mine told her grown daughter tonight that she is out of the WTS and her daughter said, "Well, I guess we can't talk to each other anymore." Sadly, her daughter is one of the people I studied with. Yuk!!!

  • RevMalk

    I've only spoken maybe 3 times at the door in my life, so I never had the privilege of helping in the soul saving. But I was amazed with the Mormons that used to come visit me. The one missionary said he had baptized 20 people in his two years out here, and he was embarrassed by the low figure. I guess their average is MUCH higher. No wonder they're growing so fast, they baptize them on the first visit apparently!

  • onacruse

    I was directly involved in bringing in a few, about 10 or so. One was a cold turkey door-to-door call; right out the gate we studied 3 times a week, he was going to every meeting within 2 weeks, brought in his sister, then mom and dad. Baptized after 6 months.

    I don't regret it, though. What's done is done, and what I did then was what I truly thought was the right thing to do. We all make choices, and live with the consequences. I did. They did.

    If my departure has any meaning to any of them (and I know it does), then they will begin to re-think some of their decisions, even as I have myself.

    Not to seem cavalier or uncaring, but...life goes on.


  • Mulan

    Yes, many. Many elders and their wives, today were studied with by myself and Bigred.

    We found a few door to door. Many years ago, of course.

  • pr_capone

    I am thankful that I did no such thing. Even while I was pioneering, I never cared enough to start a study.

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