Good/Bad Associates

by Marcos 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marcos

    I have seen a lot about the WT teaching on being careful about one's associates.

    I feel that I am discerning enough to know what a good or a bad associate for me would be. I try to be kind to all and keep my judgements fo myself (yes, I judge as to with whom I will associate or whether or not what someone does is something I wish to participate in or be associated with.)

    I teach my son to be selective as to his associates. I do believe that our associates define us, at least in the eyes of others. And I believe that "bad associations can spoil useful habits." Who was it that said, "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you what you are"?

    What do you think? Do you limit yourself as to your associates?


  • pr_capone

    I agree with you Marcos, I feel that I have always been a good judge of character and have made mostly good decisions regarding whom I let close to me. I dont think it should be up to anyone but ourselves to dictate whom we can or cannot / should or should not associate with.

    I dont neccesarily limit myself as much as I make informed decisions.

  • SheilaM

    This issue has many gray areas my husband and I worked with a man that was UNBELIEVABLE I could go on and on about his lifestyle choices but all his "associates" took advantage of him. He respected me and my husband he made my husband the General Manager and I was the Office Manager, one time a person that worked for him lit up a joint ( I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A NERD LOL) and he was aghast and yelled at them Mr. Toke King himself he respected me enough to be appalled and when he decided to leave that line of work he sold the whole business to my hubbie for $1.00. I could site many other examples .

    But the witnesses that act so holier than thou the things I found out made me freak, one woman back east who wouldn't let her kids "watch anything violent" well my hubbie was working at his house and she was acting like she was a nut (and no the normal motherly headspinning routine)

    See we were always bad association because of service and meetings because we <GASP> had to support our children I know it's horrible we didn't have any vices and were purer than ivory snow but hey "bad associations spoil useful habits" Pardon me while I urp

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