Former JW celebrating XMAS R so Happy

by JT 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    I could not look at all the photos of former jw and thier kids celebrating xmas and i couldn't help but think how happy they looked , mom, dad, the kids, just enjoying having a day off and being together-

    fast forward to 10AM across the country in Hall after Hall a group of folks going out in service, unhappy, sad, and frustrated- kids damn sure don't want to be there as they knock on thier classmates doors dressed up like little salemen selling bible books -

    it is cold and windy and here they are letting the heat out of folks homes how crazy we must have looked walking around in the snow without any snowsledge or snowboard

  • JH
    unhappy, sad, and frustrated- kids

    Not only the kids are frustrated and unhappy, but most of the herd. Most people don't even answer the doors anymore. I guess they do answer when children knock on the doors. There is an age for everything, and the children shouldn't be doing the adult's job of teaching the bible. Children shouldn't be salesmen selling books for a publishing company. Witnesses never look happy when they are in the field service, because most of them hate it. If they are preaching the "Good News of the Kingdom", shouldn't they be happy?

    Edited by - JH on 26 December 2002 11:37:37

  • TR

    Very sad indeed. And to top it off, 'hovah have their "time" foremost in their thoughts, not prospective converts.


  • Wolfgirl

    This year was the first year that I was happy at Xmas. No sludging through the snow. Just a wonderful, relaxing Christmas with my husband. :)

  • JT

    all of your comments are so true- the none stop no time off mindset of the jw is really unreal

    Lady "C" and I were on the phone just a moment ago talking about how many congo had the CO visit where he told everyone on tuesday night


    so many jw were literallly forced by peer pressure to go out on wed and sell books

    as was mentioned most folks don't even open the doors

  • mommy1

    My hubby always makes sure I have extra presents and he is teaching me christmas traditions he did as a child, to teach our children. Occasionally he forgets I didn't have a normal upbringing. He is amazed at how much I wasn't allowed to do. Christmas for me is the best, now I am a kid when I get presents, I don't care if it came from the dollar store or not. It's the joy and love your kids give you when they hand you a present. the christmas cookies we make and decorate, the tree and the lights we put all over the house.

  • minimus

    JT, Those photos MUST be doctored!

  • TR
    it is cold and windy and here they are letting the heat out of folks homes

    That's why one elder I worked with said; "Good morning, we're stepping into people's homes this morning to......"



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