Plasmaphoresis, a procedure not unlike dialysis

by blondie 0 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • blondie

    Has anyone ever heard of this procedure? I guess JWs are allowed to select it.

    After doctors diagnosed Heath, the couple faced another possible problem: one of the treatments for the condition is plasmaphoresis, a procedure not unlike dialysis, in which blood is removed and plasma separated out before the blood cells are transfused back into the body. The procedure removes the antibodies attacking the nerves and also is an attempt to kick-start the body into producing new antibodies that will do their job properly.
    As Jehovah's Witnesses, the Heaths don't accept blood transfusions, and they had to figure out if the procedure was something they could allow. They agreed to the procedure after learning it resembles dialysis, in which a patient receives their own blood again, rather than someone else's.

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