Brilliant Quotes

by SPAZnik 1 Replies latest social entertainment

  • SPAZnik

    These are taken from the book "Appreciate Me Now and Avoid the Rush" by Ashleigh Brilliant.

    Here are some:

    On LIFE:

    It's strange, but wherever I take my eyes, they always see things from my point of view.

    The task I've been given seems absurd: To wait here on earth until I no longer exist.

    If my life had been easier to live, I might already have finished living it.

    We get some kind of weather here nearly every day.

    I'll be glad when it's all over, and I can take my smile off.

    It sometimes takes longer than one lifetime between knowing what you ought to do and doing it.

    We really ought to do something about death - Do you have any suggestions?

    I'm as interested as anybody else in all the things no decent person would be interested in.

    The more I learn about myself, the more I become a different self.

    How could there ever possibly be any conflict between my private interests and the public good?

    THIS IS SERIOUS: Some things supposed to last the rest of my life are already wearing out.

    I hope I can settle my internal conflicts without bloodshed.

    THERE IS A WHOLE WORLD WHICH I ALONE RULE, but it ends at my fingertips.

    To whom should I go for some SELF-HELP?

    In my own small way, I am helping people, if only by leaving most of them alone.

    On People:

    Opinions are divided as to whether or not there is real unanimity in our organization.

    Now that we've reached agreement, all we need is to get everybody else to agree with us.

    I have travelled widely and have learned to cough and sneeze in many different languages.

    When seen from this distance, Your problems are somehow much smaller than mine.

    WHAT, YOU TOO! I thought I was the only one with thoughts and feelings.

    PLEASE BE PATIENT - at the moment I'm too angry to tell you how angry I am.

    Do what you know is right, but try not to get caught.

    How much of the intolerable should I tolerate, simply in order to be polite?

    "Tears wont bring her back"?
    - How kind of you to enlighten me on that point!

    I AM NOT UPSET, and will continue to deny how upset I am until I calm down.

    Please consider the feelings of others - Especially of those who would never tell you how they feel.

    I was educated once, and it took me years to get over it.

    I wish the quality of your product were as good as the quality of your advertising.

    If only the people I like all liked each other.

    On Wisdom:

    I know so little that it astonishes me how many people know even less.

    According to latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

    Keep climbing upwards! You may never reach the top, but it's definitely in that direction.

    Having lived through some bad times, I'm living proof that some bad times can be lived through.

    If you hide your real feelings for long enough, you may eventually forget what they are.

    HAVE PATIENCE: Rome was not destroyed in a day.

    THE SHOW MUST GO ON But I don't have to stay and watch!

    I'm unready when you are.

    To be sure of winning, invent your own game, and never tell any other player the rules.

    The earth is a geologist's paradise.


    On Us or We:

    You have the ability to arouse various emotions in me: please select carefully.

    Do you believe in friendship at first site?

    FORGIVE ME for allowing myself to be hurt by you so easily.

    Nobody has ever explained the mystery of how I existed before I met you.

    I happened to see you passing through my life, so I thought I'd love you.

    If we keep talking to each other, we may eventually find something we can talk about.

    Is it really true that, all the time I've been living my life, you've been living yours?

    Don't take it personally if I neglect you, life constantly forces me to neglect many good things.

    I know what's beautiful when I see it - and so often I see it in you.

    It's sometimes easier to do the impossible, than to do the embarrassing.

    On Humanity:

    If we all do what we believe to be right, there will assuredly be utter chaos.

    It's human to make mistakes, and some of us are much more human than others.

    The only thing troubling my superb self-confidence is the nagging possibility that you may be right.

    Until I hear how you are, I can only remember how you were.

    Would you care to view the ruins of my good intentions?

    Communication with the dead is only a little more difficult than communication with some of the living.

    If you think communication is all talk, you haven't been listening.

    THIS IS A CODE MESSAGE ~ the code is called "language". Are you receiving me?

    I may accept every point in your argument, but will never agree with your inescapable conclusion.


    On the World Serious:

    Work on construction of an ideal world has been temporarily halted, due to a shortage of idealists.

    Freedom is not the goal, but you need freedom before you can decide what the goal is.

    Will all those who feel powerless to influence events please signify by maintaining their usual silence.

    Why is there always such a power struggle within the movement for peace and friendship?

    I'm not yet deperate enough to do anything about the conditions which are driving me to desperation.

    I HAVE NOTHING DEFINITE TO APOLOGIZE FOR: I'm just sorry about everything in general.

    I WANT REVENGE for all my real and imagined grievances.

    Of course I know what reality is ~ I just can't put it into thoughts.

    Other thoughts:

    What make things so difficult is that I've never been at this point in my life before.

    Not all of our artists are playing a joke on the public ~ some are genuinely mad.

    Obviously there's a difference between big and little, but it's only a difference of size.

    Thank God for making reality, and for giving us means of escaping from it.

    Perhaps the world's only purpose is to give me something to think about.

    Intelligence is not of much use, unless you're intelligent enough to know how to use it.

    PLEASE DON'T STEAL MY IDEAS before I've perfected them.

    Must I live through all the dull parts of my life? Isn't there a condensed version?

    I'll give up my bad habits as soon as equally satisfying good habits become available.

    If I always do tomorrow's work today, the last day of my life will be totally free.

    On Time:

    How much more of the present do we have to sit through before the future comes on?

    The case has been going on so long that I've forgotten whtehr I'm really innocent or guilty.

    I believe there is a future somewhere ahead, even though not the slightest evidence of it exists.

    I FEEL TIRED, after my long journey through the past ten years.

    It's very sad that some past events were not recorded. And even sadder that some others were.

    The only difference between yesterday and tomorrow is: Today.

    At least one thing about the future is absolutely certain: That it hasn't happened yet.

    Dying is a part of living, but only a very small part.

    Not only don't I know what tomorrow will bring ~ I'm still not exactly sure what yesterday brought.

    Could it be that I'm allergic to growing older?

    On Everyday Life:

    For me, every day is a turning-point: That's why my course is so erratic.

    Have you been doing anything which I should, or should not, know about?

    The effort of getting up in the morning usually exhausts me for the rest of the day.

    Many parents perform a valuable function simply by giving their children something to rebel against.

    Is it you and I who are crazy, or is it everybody else?

    HANDLE ME WITH CARE: I could be very hard to replace.

    A surprising number of the things I don't believe are eventually proven to be untrue.

    But if I were to stop and think, I might never be able to get started again.

    SLAVERY AND TORTURE WERE OUTLAWED LONG AGO, but, for some reason, marriage is still legal.

    HERE I AM AGAIN ~ back in uncertainty.

    Prepare for eternity: tidy up your room.

    On Cosmos:

    Yes, but you're taking the Universe out of context.

    Sometimes reality seems so near, I feel I could almost touch it.

    There is no map of the future, because nobody who goes there ever comes back.

    I have heard that God is Dead, and, under the circumstances, I'm taking it very well.

    I know the Universe is important, but there are other things on my mind.

    Prove to me, if you can, that, after I die, the world will still exist.

    It's always a nice day in outer space.

    (all quotes are by Ashleigh Brilliant)

    Edited by - SPAZnik on 21 December 2002 18:42:48

  • BluesBrother

    There was a time when I copied his thoughts and put over my desk

    " Do what's easy, with luck it may also be what's right"

    "Tomorrow is another day, but I hope it's not another day like this one" - only for bad days to tell everyone why I was grumpy!

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