tales of bad gifts...

by detective 1 Replies latest jw experiences

  • detective

    Since it's the season for gift-giving (or not), I figured I open up a thread about really bad gifts people have received over the years.

    Here's a story that comes to mind:

    I had suffered the loss of a substantial, lengthy relationship not too long before Christmas, a fact a longtime friend knew well. I was still reeling from the experience and quite deeply saddened. This longtime friend decided that it would really be funny to give me a T-shirt that was three sizes too big and that said something to the effect of "Star light, star bright, I'm wishing for a good man with all my might" or some likewise pathetic phrase. Extremely bad timing and really poor taste. So far, so good on the friend scale...ugh!
    Now, aside from the fact that it's bad enough that she's completely insensitive (of course, she's one of those types who is easily offended and notoriously sensitive about her own feelings)...but apparently she had forgotten that she had previously shown me said T-shirt the summer before when she was bragging that she had purchased a number of "fun" t-shirts for the amazing price of...99 cents! I guess she just got lucky that my break up was so timely that she could unload this crappy t-shirt on me!

    Yes, it's true what they say: it's the thoughtlessness that counts.

    Anybody got any gift giving/receiving horror stories?

  • Sentinel

    About eight years ago, our office decided to do the Christmas gift exchange. Everyone put their names in a box, and we reached in and picked out a name. The instructions were that those who drew a name would spend at least $20. on a nice gift. That seemed reasonable enough.

    When it came time to have the party and do the exchange, the person who got my name gave me an 8 x 10 piece of construction paper with odd pieces of felt, cotton and other stuff glued all over it. She called it an original abstract of art that she had done. Everyone started laughing and said it looked like something a first grader would do. I had spent $20. on a gift for the person whose name I drew, and then I got this stupid gift in return.

    Afterwards, my friends were saying, " well, we know that was a gag gift, where's the real one?". And, I had to tell them that it was actually my gift. I threw it away.

    That was the last time I did the gift exchange.

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