Thought I wasn't supposed to grow old here?

by WingCommander 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander
    WingCommander parents told me when I was 5 that I would never get to High School, as this EVIL SYSTEM OF THINGS WOULD END LONG BEFORE THAT!! I am, pushing 30. I had to go to HS, college, and even GET A JOB!! Imagine that! Oh yeah, and the ENTIRE time I was in school, I was nothing but discouraged about getting an education, or making anything of myself other than a pioneer janitor. What a bunch of shit! I feel so freakin' cheated out of opportunities. I had straight A's in school, but god forbid, don't ever take college prep courses, you'll never live long enough to benifit from them! Also, you're not going after "Worldy Pursuits," are you?? ((((GUILT TRIP IN EFFECT)))))

    Just fork over your hard earned, minimum wage paycheck to the GREEDY A$$HOLES at your nearest congregation, and they will in turn send some of it to Brooklyn. For what?? They are a billion $$$ corporation, why do they need my money for my salvation???

    Can anyone tell how bitter, sarcastic, dissappointed, & cheated I feel??? Good. I'm sure half of you feel it as well. While I long for a paradise earth, I feel it is not right to garuntee people their children won't live in this system for very long & feed them bull about having to do nothing.

    Wing Commander

  • BadJerry

    Yep, and think about the 70 year old widow who finally awakes to the conclusion she's going to live miserably for the rest of her life on just social security - she can't even afford the medicine to relieve the aches and pains. She's given 99 percent of her life to a thought of paradise, but as the light gets brighter for her, she begins to see the fraud (and her soulmate is now gone to rest). I'm just thankful I have time to live, not just die, and I'm 47!

    Starting to live and grow at 30, with 2/3's your life to live is better than continuing with THE LIE! AS Mr Spock says "Live long and prosper" really do have the rest of your life in front of you and many great times ahead.

  • happy man
    happy man

    I must say I am littel disturbd about this negative feelings you say you have, my self growing upp in t as J W, never fell like you, nowan was telling me what to do, i start work after schol, now i have my one company, never any problems, not even the Co was pushing me to start pionjering, i was doing my 10 to 20 ours, and they was very satisfied widh that, i am now over 50 years old.

    My sons is only one JW, and he is the onlyone who get him self edjucation, he is studing in universety now, my 2 other boys, never want to do that, as they say, never want to be a part of this capitalisik system as they think we have.

    So you see how diffrent it can bee, purhaps it is diffrence beetwen US and Sweden, or are you giving a negative picture on purpus?

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Wing, I can remember in 1969 , I was 9 years old, sitting on the couch during our bible study with Mr. Elder and wife. Counting my fingers up to the year 1975 with the Elders wife! It was no wonder why I got baptised at 13 in 1975! I knew nothing but that Armegadden was coming and I was going to be ready for it. I'm 42 now and needless to say the reality of it all has long time been clear to me.

    No doubt we all have gone through the adjustments of a major shock to the system.

    It feels to be out, doesn't it!

  • Nosferatu

    It does feel good to be out!

    I remember how I was always taught that Armageddon would come before the generation of 1914 dies. I quit going to meetings before the Watchtower containing New Light on this subject came out. When I found out about the change, I was extremely pissed off. I've been lied to since I was 5 years old. I remember after leaving the JWs, I still had it in my mind "What if they're right?" This New Light that they provided has erased that thought from my mind forever.

  • NameWithheld

    Happy man, that great that you and your family say they are so happy, and not mis-treated, and have taken advantage of things like higher education. And how you say that you were not pushed into doing things like pioneering. But that does not negate the thousands, and probably millions of JWs that have been, and continue to be. How can you say this is a 'regonal' difference when you read these words from the Wt mag? ...

    *** Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15 ***

    If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold: 'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way towards its finish, if not actually gone! This is why parents who base their lives on God's prophetic Word find it much more practical to direct their young ones into trades that do not require such long periods of additional schooling... True, those who do not understand where we are in the stream of time from God's viewpoint will call this impractical. But which is really practical: preparing yourself for a position in this world that soon will pass away? or working toward surviving this system's end and enjoying eternal life in God's righteous new order?

    These things were told to my mother, and myself since our childhood. Now my mother's a grandmother, barely scrapping by day to day, and has NO plans/funds for retirement. She will work or live off gov't welfare until the day she dies. THIS is the reality that is present in MOST JW's lives. Now you care to ask why people are so negative about it?

  • BluesBrother
    " I am, pushing 30"

    And you think you are hard done by? , with a good 50 years ahead of you!

    Many of us were in our 50's before we wised up, call me a slow learner. Ok I have no serious money worries but as time goes by and compulsory retirement looms closer, I dont know how we will manage. And of course I know of many others in far worse positions.

    A friend of my wife's , has a husband who is self employed buildng contractor - no pension plan of course , he has been told by doctors to stop working but they just could not manage.

    Happy Man is of course winding us up in his fake pidgin English. But his smug attitude is typical of some smart alecs,usually elders now, who started a business to pioneer then found it could pay well and end up as wealthy businessmen - sickening!

  • happy man
    happy man

    B, brother

    My english is not so good , yes you have a point ther.

    And perhaps we have one explanaition in the difffrent systems of wellfare in our countrys,

    here evryone have pension, even if you never work, i can understand the frustraition from your point of wuie,

    1969, well in this time i was in US, i dont think if I must be hounest that i read the awake so carefull this times.

    I can also tell that perhaps some see me as bad , this peoepl who i use to discuss widh, and tell that we dont now the day, i hav e always bee wery negative to this behind next curve the end is coming, but i CAN ALSO TELL YOU THAT i WAS AN ELDER FROM 1980 TO 2000,

    And as young I was servant already 20 years old.

    I have respekt fore your oppinon, but if you read the bibel you now this time talk only is quessing,

    our CO say in last assambly, think how much wron we hve about 1975.

    we can never serve beaucause of some year.

    And i have ofcourse put in money to my pension fore at least 15 year, i dont think you can blame JW if you are so uncarefull that you skipp that.

    you must take resposibilytie fore your one person, when it comes to this.

    thats my point of wuie

    have a nice day BB

  • Liberty

    You are dead on WingCommander,

    It is amazing to me that even after being out for years the JW brainwashing continues to do damage to so many aspects of my life. I'm 41 and just finished college 3 years ago with a BA when others have had a full fledged career going by now. Thanks to the WT Society's lies I was totally unprepared for creating a life in the real world we've got, as opposed to the "New World" we were promised. I was not mentally prepared for the realities of watching my loved ones grow old and die or of facing my own aging and death. I was never concerned about retirement or saving money, or having a well paying job because I was always told these things weren't important and it is human nature to take the easy path anyway, especially when God (the Watch Tower) says you should. When you are raised in this cult I believe that you are missing important developmental milestones that "worldly people" take for granted. I'm finally getting my life in order but always feel I'm running behind and that I could have been much better prepared. Knowing that you only have a limited time for your life really changes your choices in contrast to living forever and that God will solve all of your problems. I really do feel sorry for those older than myself because they feel double or triple the fear and disappointment I do. Good post. Many of us know exactly how you feel.

    Edited by - Liberty on 18 December 2002 17:53:13

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