Yizuman....Who are You?!

by teenyuck 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    Who are you? You claim here that Yizuman is a "second account." :


    Hit my posting limit and am using my second account....

    Then you went into your "I am broke, can you help" thread.

    Since this poster came "on board", he has told us he is poor (broke in fact), beats his mother and is deaf.

    I have no issues with the above. What you do on your time is your business.

    However, we still don't know the story. Why are you so obsessed with JWs? Your quotes below are interesting when looked at together.

    Was/is Yizuman a JW?

    Were/are his family?

    Was/is a friend or girlfriend.

    His statements:


    Hello everyone....

    Just registered and want to know what type of folks here are? Ex-JWs? Are there are JWs still in the so called "truth" lurking or posting here?

    Are there any "born again" believers here who used to be a JW?

    Nice meeting you all.



    it usually takes 3 years or so for the mindset of a JW to be incredible hard to be reversed. Deprogramming a JW takes months even years for the mindset to finally become free of the programming of the WT that has been placed into her mind.

    WTF? Where do you come up with these statements?!


    Has anyone ever attended any ex-jw conventions? Like the one in New Ringgold, PA where Joan Cetnar who is a former JW that hosts the convention every year?



    Well, this may be great news for all of us that wants this false profit organization to go out of business.

    When I came to these boards like this one, I found out the membership figure is about 6 million worldwide. I am remembering the figure used to be higher back in the late 1980s. Didn't it used to be much higher? like 20 million worldwide?

    Has this membership dropped dramically?

    I hope the numbers dewindle even more.

    I wanna see all of the cults around the world to go outta business, but that's not gonna happen.


    I hear crazy stories about Elders spying on the congregational members. I even hear of stake outs on member's homes.

    Anybody have any stories about Elders doing crazy stuff that you have seen them do or even heard about from others? Meaning Elders trying to catch members being in the wrong?

    David A. Reed, I think had his house staked out I think, if memory served me right when he was publishing his "Comments from the Friends" newsletters/magazines while he was still a member before he got df'ed and mailed them outside of the state to all of the members that was listed in his KH's phone/address book. They busted him coming home. I need to reread his story, but it was interesting.


    I read stories about some people picket at the KHs. Some have signs that read, "Would Jehovah mislead you if you studied the Bible alone without the Watchtower?"

    Have you had your KH picketed on? If so, what did their signs say?

    Curiously yours,


    For years I've been reading and talking to people who are out of the organization either by being df'ed or da'ed themselves from the so called "truth".

    My main concern is that once the former jdubs are out, they start to reverse their thinking from everything the jdubs had learned that is considered a "no no", ranging from sex, satanism, getting into pornagraphy, drugs, alcohol, rock music, smoking, reading ouji boards and anything else they can get their hands into that was considered forbidden by the WT. Even some decided to reverse their thinking from believing "there is a God" to "there is no God".

    While I can understand the anger and bitterness that has resulted from realizing how they have been deceived by the WT for many years. I am concerned about the destructive behavior that ex-jdubs are getting themselves into.

    Sure it gives ex-jdubs a sense of total freedom and go wild on everything that was forbidden to them. I hate to see people get hurt in the process. But is this sense of total freedom truely freedom or does it give a false sense of freedom thinking it won't hurt to try things that was once considered forbidden to them at the time?

    Especially those that turn to sex, drugs and alcohol to try to hide from the inner most pain and suffering as a result from various reasons, such as sexual abuse, physical abuse or being df'ed from their friends and families. Or those that da'ed themselves after realizing they had been deceived after all those years being with the WT.

    I pray alot for those kind and decent souls out there who get into destructive behavior for whatever reasons it may be. Even when some aren't aware they are engaging into destructive behavior and think whatever it is they are doing is ok, no big deal, it's cool, etc.

    I'm not blasting anyone for whatever it is anyone may be engaging themselves into nor am I trying to judge anyone. I'm only concerned about the welfare of each and every individual who may be hurting. Even if those who aren't feeling any pain or suffering as they leave the so called "truth" and engage into destructive behavior that might result in geting hurt in the long run.

    Am I wrong to feel this way? Is my concerns unwarrented and unneccessary? Should I not worry about all this?



    Although I have never been a Witness, I have been around JWs and Ex-JWs for nearly 15 years.
    Here's a problem. I don't have a suit. My last suit is too small for me. I don't even have any money to purchase a new suit and I still need a haircut.

    In spite of your persecution complex, I am not attacking....I am trying to cut through the info you have provided and get answers...


    First of all I made a retraction on my request for help, you people who have attacked me have ignored it.

    Secondly I made a public apology to Simon, you people who have attacked me have ignored it.

    Those of you know who I am talking about, I publically ask that you stop the personal attacks and leave me alone.

    Personal attacks is against Simon's rules on this forum and you have ignored it. Read his FAQ.

    Thank you

    So, who are you?

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