Printing to be moved out of Brooklyn Bethel

by cyberguy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberguy

    Today, a friend of mine told me that a letter was read at his last Service Meeting, that Brooklyn Bethel was moving all printing operations to Watchtower Farms (if that's what they sill call it). Has anyone else heard about this? I suspect that this move might be a way to downsize Brooklyn Bethel, perhaps with the idea that they can start selling much of their large, high-value estates in Brooklyn, to compensate for their decreasing donations.

  • Gopher

    The whispers about this started way back in January 2002 in this thread about the coming expansion at Patterson, NY:

    Then see this thread dated August 15. More news started coming out then.

    Further speculation is contained on this November 19 thread:

    Edited by - Gopher on 16 December 2002 21:36:53

  • cyberguy
  • MikeMusto

    Yes, a special letter was read. Looks like their might be people swapping. They

    would factory workers to out to relocate and bring those people that can be moved

    into brooklyn. Like the stitching department

  • NameWithheld

    Gonna be tough on all those poor bethal dudes not being in the city. Think there's mass transit to get you to the meetings/FS at the farm/patterson? Might have to have a special donation drive to buy buses/cars for all the bethal boys. Hopefully there'''s a package store close by so they can continue to walk out for their daily booze fix. And then think of all the fun they'll miss. Last I checked there was little nightlife around Walkhill/Patterson. Though maybe that will change as they move out there :)

    One thing for sure, dumping Brooklyn as headquarters will sure remove them farther from public eyes. More retreating in the face of their enemies!

  • RR

    Let's not forget the millions upon millions they will make selling all that real estate!

  • cruzanheart

    And the millions they will save on property taxes.


  • RR

    Actually, the Watchtower is a non-profit organization, they don't pay property taxes or any other kind of tax for that matter. The City of New York will make out, because they can now make money off the property, especially now that Mayor Bloomberg just raised property taxes a whopping 20%.

  • Roddy

    >> Today, a friend of mine told me that a letter was read at his last Service Meeting, that Brooklyn Bethel was moving all printing operations to Watchtower Farms (if that's what they sill call it). Has anyone else heard about this? <<

    Yes, it is true. It's been in the grapevine for over a year. Even longer.

    >>I suspect that this move might be a way to downsize Brooklyn Bethel, perhaps with the idea that they can start selling much of their large, high-value estates in Brooklyn, to compensate for their decreasing donations.<<

    As the Olympics coming in ten years and the Big Apple most likely to get it, all those high-value estates will go up in value. And let's admit it, their Brooklyn properties are prime. A great deal is either waterfront or prime skyline view. They can rake in millions just on rentals. I really doubt they will sell. I think they will rent. But if they do sell, then we are talking MEGA millions!

    You can also bet on Bethel layoffs. You won't hear it, of course. But the poor idiots that gave up on college and career to serve for years in Bethel will get the royal boot with no severence. I don't know if to laugh or take pity for them while the WTS laughs all the way to the bank.

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