Did you ever get caught.....

by freedom96 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    When you were a witness, did you ever get caught at a holiday party?

    When I was 17, my work had a Christmas party. There would be gifts, and a good time. Well, during my shift was when the party was, so I decided to go. I figured, my parents would never know. Well, wouldn't you know it. After working at this place for a year and a half, the ONE time they ever call for some reason, I am not there. They are told that I am at the Christmas party.

    My parents at the time were extremely active; my dad an elder. So they go to my work, and find out where this party is. I am at the party, having a good time, standing around watching one of the managers say what a great year, etc, and all of a sudden, someone grabs my arm. Hard! "What are you doing here?" There is my dad, and my mom behind him, about as mad as they could be. "Get in the car!" and they lead my out to the car. Of course this has caused a scene in front of about 100 people.

    I am grilled on the way back to my work, where for some reason they sent me back. Long story short, I explained the problem to my boss, who then called them, and apologized to them, for he told them that he had sent me there to pick something up for him, and that I was not participating in the party. Somehow, they actually believed him, and that ended that episode.

    I have not gone to meetings for about 7 years, and a couple of years ago I went to a Christmas party (again) and saw my accountant, whom happens to be a witness. I was shocked to see her there. She knows that I don't go at all, and will never go back. But she seems cool with that, but still, to see her there at the party was quite a suprise. Her kids don't go anymore, and her husband is df'd, but she is still active, and goes to the meetings etc. I asked her about her being there, thinking that maybe she was leaving. Her basic attitude was that the "witness deal" as she called it, worked for her, but she still will do what she wants. She enjoyed the party, and considered her being there more as a spectator as compared to a participant. But she enjoyed the food, and the company.

    It made me wonder, how many witnesses will participate in a birthday party, or whatever, and make excuses for it. I wonder how many actually get caught.

    Any stories of anyone getting caught? Or just enjoying the parties regardless of being a witness?

  • Scully

    I know of JWs who would go to Christmas parties put on by their employers, and the reasoning was along the line of "Well, why shouldn't I benefit from the money being spent on all the employees?" and also "This is a good PR opportunity for me - it's the only way to make contacts and get ahead in the company."

    I also know of JWs who "mouth" the entire "Happy Birthday" song to one another on their respective birthdays. And some who go to restaurants to benefit from the "Free Meal on Your Birthday" specials that are offered.

    I'd actually enjoy seeing a JW going out for dinner on their birthday - and then having the staff go up to the dubbies' table and sing their rendition of the Birthday Song and get photos of them with the candle on the cupcake or whatever it is they do. Actually, I'd love to orchestrate that. Even when it isn't the dubby's birthday.

    Love, Scully

  • acsot

    I'm still officially "in", but rather enjoy spying on my fellow dubs for your benefit. In fact, today a JW who works here was very put out with some in her congregation because :

    context: their congregation pioneer supper was held on Friday

    1. An elder and his wife explained the absence of their teen-age children as due to their attending the company's "year-end party".

    2. A sister (elder's wife) regularly attends the office "year-end" party. Since it's called year-end, it's okay. Well, Sister Very Spiritual (former special pioneer, missionary, still very Watchtower-spiritual) starts ranting about them to me here at work. "What about the bad association? That's another reason not to go. You know, one of these days those kids are going to get into trouble and it'll be the parents' fault." I'm thinking, "good thing those kids don't have you as their mother".

    Apparently, tons of dubs go to their office parties. Maybe a lot of them are just tired of the whole WT-thought control and lists of do's and don'ts. More power to them!

  • Elsewhere

    I got caught donating blood... the elders told me that I was going to be DFed, so I DAed. Should have seen the look on their faces.

    Apparently they were expecting humble me to grab my ankles for them.

  • Skeptic
    Apparently, tons of dubs go to their office parties. Maybe a lot of them are just tired of the whole WT-thought control and lists of do's and don'ts. More power to them!

    I agree.

    Some companies I worked at changed the name of their Xmas party to "Year End" party for the sake of their JW employees. I have no objection to it.

    One company also had the best holiday policy I have ever seen. You could literally take your holidays at any time. I took off "Thanksgiving" between Christmas and New Year's. Yes, I actually had to list it as Thanksgiving on the timesheet. This policy is great for Muslim employees because their holidays are different than Christian holidays.

    Some JW actions at this time of year are interesting. Gifts show up in November or January. Some people celebrate "Family Gift Days". Ugh, why pretend?

    I suggest JWs have a Family Gift Day where family and friends can visit they exchange wrapped presents. Decorate the room a little. Put up some pretty lights. Since you need a place to store the presents, I suggest a big plant, like a tree. Pretty up the tree with lights to make it look appropiate for the party.

    What would be a good day for Family Gift Day? Tough question to ask with people's busy schedules. But since almost everyone has December 25 off, why not have Family Gift Day then? Plus, many employers give turkeys at the year end. So Dec. 25 would be an excellent time to have a turkey dinner with all your guests.


  • truthseeker1

    We went to the "Year end" party for my ex's company. But when we got there, it was all decked otu with christmas stuff. All the signs called it a christmas party, It didn't bother either of us. We still called it the year end party and felt fine.

    Now I'm throwing a christmas party at my house and its gonna be fun! ( I hope)

  • Nosferatu

    I was caught talking to a girl on the phone when I was 14. Pretty bad stuff, isn't it?

    My mother picked up the phone and said "Who are you talking to?"
    I just told her "My friend Russ"
    Her: Okay

    A few minutes later she picked up the phone again and said "You're talking to a girl!!! You lied to me! When you lie to me, you lie to Jehovah."

    This was extremely embarassing to me. The girl dumped me shortly after. :(

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