Patterson display for Jesus on Stake(pics)

by Jourles 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jourles

    If anyone was ever able to visit Patterson and get a tour behind the Service Department's door, you would have noticed this display among the cubicles:

    And the answer to - "Where should the nail be?" You will notice that they do not even attempt to answer the question of the plurality mentioned in the bible regarding the NAIL(S) through only his hands; they attempt to throw you off by mentioning his feet too. Thereby combining the single nail from his hands PLUS the single nail in his feet, EQUALING the "nails" mentioned in the bible. I still have yet to figure out how they came up with that explanation??? ------

    The library where new light is researched as shown in the display picture ------

    And one of the overseers of the service department, Bro. Weigel ------

  • Roddy

    >>If anyone was ever able to visit Patterson and get a tour behind the Service Department's door, you would have noticed this display among the cubicles<<

    Thanks for the information.

    Since the WTS has no professional researchers with none of them having any kind of degree or certification for any element of their work there, I'm rather doubtful they even came up with the idea that the nail(s) didn't go through Jesus' center of his hand(s) but elsewhere. Of course, this wonderful new insight is accredited to the old men of the GB as "new light".

  • Jourles


    I agree completely that the Society's researchers are not qualified to be creating material supposedly from Jah thereby allowing them to delve into people's lives forcing them to accept what they themselves practically know nothing about. Here you have a handful of men that most likely dropped out of school to further their career within the org because the end was so near. Was and still is a joke.

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