by archangel01 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • archangel01

    Why not put all the perverts names who abuse kids in all the newspapers.That way everyone will know who they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • avishai

    Well, short of shooting them in the face w' a bazooka, I think that's a great idea!

  • archangel01

    Thanks, (Freedom of speech)

    I mean why not!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then who knows that person who comes to your door that is just alittle bit TOO Happy may make the list .Then show them the paper and say this is NEWLIGHT here you can have this one.LOL

    Edited by - archangel01 on 12 December 2002 2:39:19

  • Brummie

    They tried to go one better in England and put not only the names but also the photo's of these abusers. After about 60 photo's the government stopped it as it caused a national outcry. Anyhow it might have been a good idea to stop it as someone was mistaken for a ped and brutally battered up (cant remember if he died). Its not such a good idea when one considers the consequences on innocent people, a lot share the same name and could easily be accused of being a ped...who would take the blame for the errors?


  • archangel01

    That's a very good point.So I guess it wouldn't be right.Thanks

  • Brumm

    now i feel like a joy killer...

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well actually we do that in Texas. In the local section of the newspaper there is a list, complete with names, current addresses and mug shots of all convicted sex offenders. In fact there's a website for registered sex offenders (can't seem to find it right now) and that's how we found out there was a convicted child molester in our old congregation. Surprise! Turns out after he was released, he showed up at a children's skating party. My children were at that party. Thank God nothing happened.

  • archangel01

    They should do that EVERYWHERE! People have a right to know, for your kids safety.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Most states have a central sex offender registry online. Some of them are more informative, others only have a few details. You can access whatever registries are online at:

    These registries were put online after the passing of Megan's law.

    Hope this helps.


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