JWs- Do you have Bad Associations?

by TR 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TR

    Unless you read books, watch movies, view internet sites and listen to music that are produced by JWs in "good standing", you are involved in bad association.

    As a JW, Do you associate with "worldly" people? No? Then why would you spend hours upon hours listening to their music? Reading their books? Watching their movies? Viewing internet sites? If associating with a "worldly" person can affect your relationship with Jehovah, so could associating with their music, movies, internet sites and books.

    JWs, if your "bible trained" consciences aren't moving you to cease and desist with this worldly association, you could be guilty of grieving the holy spirit.

    TR- concerned for 'hovah's association, class

    Edited by - TR on 11 December 2002 10:46:55

  • TR

    Come on, 'hovahs! What say you?

    TR- Bill O'Reilly class

  • Funchback

    Loyal submission in recognition, this to our God we owe.

    He gives protection, tender affection, loyalty to Him we show.

  • out4good3


  • Jourles

    Bad Association?

    Well, I AM in here posting, right?

  • TresHappy

    Bad Association - wasn't that a group from the British Invasion?

  • Gopher


    Your concern for the everlasting welfare of Jehovah's Witnesses everywhere is truly touching.

    After all, these entertainers that JW's indirectly associate with, yes by inviting their books, movies, TV shows and music right into their own living rooms, could lead them astray into Satan's world.

    Imagine, some of these very entertainers advocate Christmas, attend churches and synagogues that belong to Babylon the Great, and even advocate and accept blood transfusions! SURELY no such of these types will be judged worthy by Jehovah, the God of the JW's, to be deemed worthy of life everlasting in freedom of the sons of God!!

    When I was a JW, I used to listen to Bruce Springsteen (for example). But then when I listened to his music, I learned "everybody has a hungry heart". Surely that advocates fornication and even adultery! For shame!! I had to blast kingdom melodies in my ears to make those fleshly desires calm down!!

    How much better if I had listened to wise admonition like you offer in the opening post on this thread! It is surely meat in due season.

  • TR

    Meat in due season indeed!( reminds me that I still need schlong reduction surgery)

    Ahem, Ah, we here at JW.com are interested in the spiritual welfare of 'hovahs. We would hate to be a stumbling block to brain-dead zombified cultists 'hovahs, thus prompting this thread.

    Along with pagan rituals that 'hovahs seem to deem OK, such as wedding rings, honeymoons, wind chimes, etc., watching movies, reading books, and cruising the internet are among the things 'hovahs should stop doing, lest the holy spirit reach down and bitch-slap them upside the head.

    TR- oh so concerned about 'hovahs, class

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