A quote about peace....

by kelsey007 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • kelsey007

    "Peacekeeping is not only a central characteristic of the gospel. Peacemaking is the greatest need of the world today. We are the daughters and sons of God, and that means we are called to be peacemakers, whether we like it or not. It's a responsibility of all of us to pursue peace for its own sake, for the sake of the future for our children."

    Quoted by actor Martin Sheen in regards to the Bush administrations war talk on Iraq...

  • teenyuck

    "Make love, not war"

    "Give peace a chance"

    I am looking forward to the day Saddam tries to come to America and shows us his form of love

  • AGuest

    Mr. Sheen is correct, and to emphasize the need for us to seek and HAVE peace individually, NOT from the world, but from Christ, so as to manifest wholly... as a "chosen nation"... I quote the words of my Lord, for those who would ASK for... and RECEIVE... this "gift" of the spirit:

    "I leave you peace, I give you MY peace. I do not give it to you the way that the world gives it. Do not let your hearts be troubled nor let them shrink for fear."

    If, then, you are seeking peace from men with whom there is NO peace... whether religious or gubernatorial... you will be disappointed. For those who hate their brother... whatever his nationality, gender or color of flesh, etc.... proves themselves NOT sons of God, but, like Cain, sons of the Adversary.

    We cannot change the world, dear ones... for each one has only himself to change. And not all are "willing". Rather, some PROVE themselves to be "goats"... inside the 'Borg, as well as outside of it... simply by how they treat their "neighbor", including their own flesh.

    You, though, if you have truly heard the "call" to be a son of God, then receive this "gift" into yourselves... and PROVE yourselves "sons of your heavenly Father"... by loving... even your enemies. Even if you must let yourself be "wronged"... as our Lord let himself be wronged... so that he... and we... would be glorified. For in doing so, you will be granted a peace that will sustain you far, far greater than anything a world even devoid of military war can mete out. For even absent military war... hatred of other types will still abound (think prejudice, bias, hypocrisy, judging...)... so long as man has it in his power to "dominate man... to his injury."

    Matthew 5:43-48

    May you have ears to hear... and I bid you the greatest of love and peace...

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • gumby

    Mr. Sheen is correct, and to emphasize the need for us to seek and HAVE peace individually, NOT from the world, but from Christ.

    Tell me Shelby,

    Since YOU believe MOST of mankind will be destroyed by Christ.....in the near future.....will those who pursue peace WITHOUT Christ be of any benifit?

    Since you believe pretty much the same as a Witness still does.....only YOU believe more will be saved than 6 million or less......isn't it hard to have real peace? If you could look ahead just one week from now and see in a vision what God is going to do to mankind who do not have SIMILAR views as you...could you really have peace? I would find it hard to have piece KNOWING "cramped is the road and few finding the road to life"

    I guess you get hardened to that if you read the bible enough.


  • OrbitingTheSun

    That is a wonderful quote, Kelsey Although spirituality varies around the world (which implies that our motivations vary as well), we do have a responsibility to cultivate peace...not just peace among each other, but peace within ourselves.

    I don't know so much about politics (international power struggles make me feel so helpless...) but I do know a little about the human spirit...and the way our perspectives can influence the world. I believe in peace, and if there was some way to portray peace as a reality and not just a pipe dream, I think others would believe in it too.

  • Shakita

    Peace.....seems our Father has left it up to his Children to try to attain the peace that has eluded mankind since their creation. What kind of a loving Father lets his children come to a point in their existence where they can completely annihilate themselves?

    They that can give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. --- Benjamin Franklin

    This was always a sticking point for me as a witness. When someone enters your house and harms you and your family, you have the right to fight back and protect what is yours. But, if someone enters your country and harms innocent people in your country, you do not have the right to fight back and protect your country.

    Passiveness does not equal peace.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • OrbitingTheSun

    You make an interesting point, Shakita...and I agree with you to an extent. But if violence against one justifies violence against another, how and when does the struggle end? When we have all killed each other and there is no one else to blame?

  • AGuest
    Tell me Shelby,

    Peace to you, too, Gumby, dear!

    Since YOU believe MOST of mankind will be destroyed by Christ.....in the near future.....

    ER?! Where in the WORLD did you get the idea that I *believe* such a thing?!! Either "most of mankind," "destroyed by CHRIST,"... OR "in the near future"????

    will those who pursue peace WITHOUT Christ be of any benifit?

    Of any benefit? Well, in truth, I'm thinking... temporarily... perhaps. I mean, if by "peace" you mean "absence of war". Certainly. Temporarily. But the track record shows that, yes? Now, with regard to "peace" to their "own" ends... I mean, their own perception of peace and what it means to THEM, versus what it means to all... again, I say, perhaps. And again, I say, temporarily. But even unlike the WTBTS, I certainly "believe" that temporary is better than NOTHING, wouldn't you agree?

    Since you believe pretty much the same as a Witness still does.....

    Where you been, Gumby? Obviously, not reading my posts/threads. Methinks you are QUITE mistaken...

    only YOU believe more will be saved than 6 million or less......

    Who am I to think in terms of such numbers, 'Gum, dear? If the great crowd cannot be numbered by man, where would I even begin? Salvation is not purely based on being "anointed", no more than being "saved" in ancient times meant being an Israelite. Have you not heard and did you not read of Rahab, the harlot, who was saved NOT because she was a Jew/Israelite, NOT because she was in the Law Covenant, NOT because she was circumcised... but because of her FAITH... as DEMONSTRATED... by her act of hiding two Israelites in her household? With that in mind, then, have you not heard and did you not read:

    "To the extent you did it to the LEAST of these, my brothers, you did it to me... COME! Inherit the kingdom prepared for you....?

    Does Rahab not, then, represent those who are NOT "Israel", but... by their ACTS OF FAITH... in doing good to Christ's brothers... show themselves to BE "Israel"? And who are Christ's brothers? Truly, is not "all creation waiting the revealing of the sons of God"? And did not those commended by Christ for doing good to his brothers ask "WHEN did we do..."?

    Therefore, such ones are granted entry NOT by things they did that were known to them (such as fawning over someone who "claims" to be anointed, simply by reason of being born "before" some year such as 1914 or 1935... and now have gray hair), but because they LIVE the NEW Law... which is LOVE. And since they LIVE it... they act upon it WITHOUT THOUGHT... so that even they don't know the "good" they've done.

    Who does that encompass? Obviously, NOT Christ's brothers... but certainly anyone who did good to those. And since we don't know WHO Christ names as his brothers... it could be ANYONE. So... it would BEHOOVE us ALL... to "do good" to ALL... because we don't necessarily know who is... or who isn't... a brother of Christ.


    isn't it hard to have real peace?

    Actually, it isn't. Just depends on the "source" of that peace. If the source is earthling man, then, yeah... it's hard... (everything's hard with earthling man, though) and in many cases, it ain't "real", either (as very little tends to be "real" with him, either). It's kinda the same thing with truth, too... hard to have when dealing with earthling man, and then you still aren't sure you're getting the "real"... are 'ya?

    If you could look ahead just one week from now and see in a vision what God is going to do to mankind who do not have SIMILAR views as you...could you really have peace?

    What God would do... has absolutely NOTHING to do with my "views". It was "written" LONG before I knew anything or had any view, at all. However, in order to answer your question as you NEED me to, my answer would be that it truly depends on the "views" of those ones. If their "views" were just DIFFERENT, hey, I got no problem; "to each his own; live and let live." HOWEVER, if their "different" views were to, say, commit completely unwarranted war and/or genocide against a certain nation of folks (for whatever their FALSE reasoning is)... I would actually probably pray for God to act. Let me quantify that, please:

    IF my prayers would have done anything to stop Hitler from killing millions of Jews... I would have prayed for him and his followers to be stopped... BY WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY... including, but not limited to "fire [coming] down out of heaven..." Does that mean my Father would have done MY "will"? Not necessarily. But that would have been my prayer...

    IF my prayers would have done anything to stop the millions that died while crammed into ships touring from Africa to the Americas... again, my prayer would be the same. Just as it would for predators on women and children, etc. HOWEVER, even then, my prayer would ALSO be "let YOUR will, Father, take place... and not MINE."

    My point? Folks don't have to agree with me, 'Gum. To the contrary, I am the one OBLIGATED to LOVE my "enemy"... and not the other way around.

    I would find it hard to have piece KNOWING "cramped is the road and few finding the road to life"

    Nah, that doesn't "bother" me... or my personal peace. What DOES bother me... is just how many there are that DON'T find it... truly, because of their OWN hearts... and the recourse upon those who do: the former are those that "come against" those that do... and not the other way around.

    What YOU are forgetting, dear Gumby, is simply because it LOOKS like a "sheep"... doesn't make it one. Were that the case, then ANY "wolf"... in sheep's clothing... would have nothing to worry about. But in fact wolves (and goats) DO have something to worry about... and, praise JAH! they SHOULD! What, you never wanted protection from a wrong act that could be perpetuated against you or yours?! Well, there are a lot of them wolves out there, Gumby...

    What you... and many... are MISSING... particularly because it is YOU that still holds onto the false teaching(s) of the WTBTS... is just what occurs... when... and why. You can find it at Revelation 20:7-9, but I will summarize it for you here:

    1. After my Lord has returned, gathered his "belongings", took them back to his Father's house to be "joined" to him in a "marriage" of SPIRIT... so that they truly become "one", such ones "sit down on thrones". This is my LORD... and his co-rulers... and this DURING the 1,000 years. Satan is abyssed at this time.

    2. During this 1,000 years, which is the ONLY period of rulership that the co-rulers get (my Lord rules indefinitely), all those who are NOT of the Body of Christ, but are still of the flesh, are "gathered" before them... and

    3. Based on this "judging"... are "separated" as "sheep"... or "goats". Each one is "judged"... according to how they treated one of those judged/rulers. Now, since such rulers also act as PRIESTS... they will ask for MERCY for all those brought before them... and JUDGE... none. However, my Lord WILL judge them... based on that treatment. For example, say, I am there... and you are brought in. Because I have been taught mercy and forgiveness by my Lord... because I have been taught to STOP judging, I would, instead, beg for mercy to be shown you. What ultimately happens, however, is up to my Lord: he may grant you such mercy... or he may judge you a "goat"... based on your treatment of me.

    4. If you are granted mercy, then YOU are given a "white robe"... or spirit body... and granted entry into the kingdom... where you become a SUBJECT.

    5. If you are judged a goat, then you are NOT given a "white robe". You are "cut off" from entry, in that you REMAIN in flesh, with its blood... which cannot enter!

    This "separation" takes about 1,000 years.

    6. At the end of the 1,000 years... Satan is LOOSED from the abyss... and goes out to "mislead" those goats who were "cut off" from entry... as well as those SPIRITS who were "cut off". He convinces them that if they can just get inside the City, they, too, can "eat"... from the Tree of Life... and LIVE FOREVER!

    7. Foolishly, they believe him... and they, Gog (the goats) and Magog (rebellious spirit beings)... attempt to lay siege against the City... and its inhabitants... so as to kill them and gain access to the Tree of Life (if they eat, they will live forever! Gen. 3:23)

    8. My Father cannot permit them to do this, but He lets them "gather" on the "plain" OUTSIDE that City. This is the "gathering of them to the place that is called, in Hebrew, Har-Meggedon". He lets them "gather" theirselves and "encircle" the City.

    9. BUT... He does NOT let them prevail and gain access... but FIRE comes down from HEAVEN... and destroys them! Why? Because if they PREVAIL... then their hatred and wickedness would prevail... forever! Why fire? Because only fire... from the Lake of Fire, Gehenna, can destroy the body AND the spirit! It is the ONLY thing that can destroy entirely, spirit beings. Thus, Satan himself is ultimately thrown into that fire as well.

    And ALL of this takes place STARTING with the 1,000 years, through it, and after it... which 1,000 years doesn't even START... until my Lord returns... gathers his belongings, takes us back to be wedded to him... and THEN sits us down on thrones with him.

    I guess you get hardened to that if you read the bible enough.

    I think you get hardened if you accept the false teachings that others use the Bible to promote. The "Bible," however, didn't do it for me... didn't help me see "reality". My Lord, the TRUTH... helped me "see". And sure, when I was a "babe" and needed to "test the inspired expression", I used the Bible. And I use it here, often, for those who are STILL babes, and need to see the truth... in writing.

    But unlike the "believe" of the WTBTS... truly, none of this is my call... or my problem. I am just a servant, "born" to do my Master's will. MY instructions, then, is to go "forgiving" and "releasing" those who wish it, as well as to continue extending an INVITATION FOR PEACE... between God and Man... Christ... and the "gift" of holy spirit that he grants... to any who hear, who thirst... who wish it. It is not to judge... ANY. For I have no "authority" to judge the house servant(s)... of another... no matter WHO their "master" may be. True, I can deliver a message FROM that master, but that's all I can do. Truly.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • Shakita

    Hi Orbiting:

    God, no! I do not advocate violence. But, every human being does not want peace. So, that leaves us in a quandary. Preach peace and wait for God to step in, or fight for what is morally right and face the consequences.

    But if violence against one justifies violence against another, how and when does the struggle end? When we have all killed each other and there is no one else to blame?

    If I had the answer to this, I would be God. Where would we be if we preached peace instead of defeating Hitler? This is just one example from our bloody history fighting for freedom and liberty from the dictators and countries who do not wish for peace. No amount of passive war protests would have broken the hold Hitler had on his followers. Should we preach peace to Saddam? Bin Laden?

    I crave the security of a peaceful world. The illusion of "a peaceful new world" the WTBS sold to me for half my life, no longer exists. But, despite my new reality, deep down in my heart I long for the illusion.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • OrbitingTheSun

    You are right, Shakita...and if there were a simple solution to the problem, I'm sure it would have been resolved a long time ago.

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