Blessings, Superstitions ..and Bull$**t

by metatron 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • metatron

    Put down your New World Translation.
    Stop quoting your time- worn texts.

    Look at your life, for God's sake, Mr. Average Witness!
    All this obedience and constricted living is supposed to get you blessings!

    Well, does it!!!!????

    I simply gave up - both as an elder and a long-time Witness. It was 'one lie
    too many, one useless meeting too many, another Saturday morning wasted while I
    could have stayed in bed'.( OK, throw in corrupt elders and covered up molestation, too)

    And after I gave up? What happened?

    No lightning struck me. I didn't drop dead. I wasn't providentially hit by a bus.

    In fact, nearly everything got better

    My health is better, my job is less hectic, my homelife is relaxed, my investments
    are doing OK, I'm doing some college courses and my marriage is stable - and I give
    to a number of charities now.

    I can't say that all these improvements are because I 'gave up on the truth' (as my
    now unfriendly Witness relatives probably feel) but nevertheless they ARE REAL
    and , apparently, allowed by the Almighty.

    Witnesses get so...... obsessed with 'being in the truth', they lose all perspective
    on living - the Watchtower wants you TO BE IN A HURRY, with no free time to think,
    expecting the END at any minute, forgeting your birthdays - while the world passes you
    by, spinning your wheels, going nowhere.

    If a Witness woke up from a twenty year coma now, what would they find different?
    Go to meetings, go out in service, and ARMAGEDDON IS ANY DAY NOW!

    If you're reading this, when will you wake up from your 'coma'?

    Further, I don't know of any other people that are as enslaved to superstition
    as JW's are! Superstition is defined as "excessive fear of the God(s)" or "an abject
    attitude of irrational fear of God" etc.

    If you skip the meetings, what will happen? If you give up on the dead 'ministry',
    what will be any different? So what? Will Harry Potter make your kids demonized?
    Did a witch used to wear that dress you got at a garage sale? Wake up and get real!

    While I was thinking about the Society's condemnation of being 'easy going',
    I happened to pass by a church that had Jesus' words carved into it
    "My load is easy and my burden is light". !!!!!!!!

    And here's something else the Watchtower wants you to avoid seeing: Lots of
    worldly people are kind and loving - many of them have good kids - and many are
    far better associates than most Witnesses I know! Believe it or not, they're
    not all monsters - and some, ordinary folks, sacrificed their lives at 9-11.

    Wouldn't it be something if the Watchtower encouraged studies and poll taking
    in the organization, instead of forbidding it? So we could MAKE AN HONEST
    COMPARISON of things like depression, child abuse, mental illness or suicide?

    Wouldn't it be something to actually see what effect the 'truth' REALLY has on
    families? Instead of propaganda?

    Don't hold your breath.

    So, put down your New Translation
    I've got blessings, period.
    Don't preach to me about God's condemnation
    I might see more of it in your dysfunctional 'loyal' life than mine.
    I'm not a heathen monster - like in your 'apostate' fantasies
    I feel more generous and kindly disposed towards my fellow man
    than I ever felt in decades of being a good Witness.

    Lurkers! It's time to wake up from the spiritual coma you've been in
    Once your eyes get adjusted to the light,
    Life can be pretty good


  • r51785

    While I was thinking about the Society's condemnation of being 'easy going',
    I happened to pass by a church that had Jesus' words carved into it
    "My load is easy and my burden is light". !!!!!!!!

    Jesus' comment is my wife's frequent comment as she observes my mother who is in a perpetual whirlwind of watchtower activity. I think that besides my mother's semi-shunning of me, my wife finds the frantic dub lifestyle the most distasteful part of the cult.

  • nelly1

    oh boy you are so right, i have a wordly friend that i have had for years and she is more loving than any of them could ever hope to be, and once i remember i had a bible student and her and I went out to dinner and shopping as a girls thing together as she and i had the same sense of humour and we had such fun, we both got a babysitter to watch our kids at the same time while we went and it was at her house, well who should call there on service but this elders daughter who is a right cow and my students 15 yr old son answered the door and this sister automatically assumed when she saw my daughter that he was babysitting her when in fact the adults were out the back, and this sis rushed to the CO and her father who was an elder and i was subsequently dragged into the creche the next day at the meeting and told off for associating with a worldy outside study time and for leaving my daugther with a 15 yr old boy!!!! man it takes the cake, they didnt even give me a chance to explain,

    and as for telling me not to go places with my student oh man i couldnt beleive that, just blows the mind, good job she never found out, she never took to the truth thank goodness , she fell in love with an army officer she met and i encouraged her to find happiness so now shes with him, im glad i did, but u are so right in what u say, i used to get so tired going to meeting after meeting and the expense of going to assemblies and conventions all the time, it just wears me out, i remember being a single parent and going to conventions and being left to have lunch on our own with no one to talk to because my cong used to scatter and never ask us to join them, that was the loneliest time of my life and im so much a social person with a wicked sense of humour and in th world i attract alot of attention because im a very charasmatic person. but in the truth HELLLLLL NO!!! i was ignored and they were sooo jealous of me because they had personalities like dead ducks and if they were caught smiling i swear their faces would have cracked.

    but now i have friends in the world and oh what a difference even x jw friends who are so sweet, and the org teaches us hooooowwww nasty the x jw apostates are so wicked in fact u should be more scared of them than u should of a dangerous mass murderer, i could write a book for all the times that that organisation made me feel unloved unwanted depressed lonely, you know i had to be single for 14 yrs because i never even met 1 available single brother, it was so darn frustrating, and when i found one i liked he played me like a violin then threw me away like trash he was such a player, liked to make me think he was interested then humilate me, when i could have found a nice partner in the world and been happy for those years, and u know no one cares there was not even 1 social occasion in all my 13 years in the truth in my congregation, yet we are not meant to associate with worldly non jw ppl, so i spent many years looking at my 4 walls when i was at home and not working, that was such a lonely time in my life i hated it.

    and for my poor children who grew up in it with no little friends to play with only their mom and now at the end of all this my poor daughter is struggling to make friends in the world, for yrs she asked to go on the school and this poor excuse for a christian elder said no then when she finally got off and he decided to lie about me to a judicial commitee he promptly took her off after only 1 week till her talk was due to be given, her little heart broke. i wanted to kill him.

    but there is so much more to say and not enough volumes to fill

    so maybe next time il vent more with more horror stories to share

    thanks for that tho metatron its very empowering to read others ideas and be able to relate to them


  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    Wow! Cool thread.

    I too experienced "everything getting better" when I left. I am part of a huge group of friends. REAL friends, not the pseudo friends like you get at the KH. These friends show up when I need help, they love me when I make mistakes even. These are the kind of friends who when they know you're having trouble paying your bills slide money under the door.

    My life is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better now than it was in the WT! I have a terrific husband who never tells me I am not being submissive enough. We have an equal relationship and decide things together. Financially things are much better, we're even trying to buy a house. (!!!) I have health insurance, dental insurance even! It's a whole different world, and it is way more fun!

    Life is good outside the bOrg!


  • DannyBear


    I hope every jw lurker here, reads your thread.

    In fact I think this type of sincere expression goes farther than any well researched, essay on jw doctrine. It is exactly what they never hear about, how those that are df'd or da'd really fare in the outside world.

    Ther is a pitiful lack of knowledge about everything 'worldly' among the ranks of jw. Especially those majority of dub, who were raised in it.

    Thanks for expressing it so well.


    edited to add this ps: this is probably the second time I have ever rated a post.........I gave it a 5.

    Edited by - DannyBear on 10 December 2002 10:42:27

  • Sirona

    Great Post Metatron,

    I agree. It takes a while to get friends outside the borg but when you do you realise that "worldlies" are not the evil demon infested lot that we were taught they were by the Watchtower!

    I too feel much more compassion on a personal level for others. I actually see others as being "like" me in the sense that noone is superior to another. Jws had me looking down my nose at those outside of the org. I never went on the ministry out of LOVE either - it was because I was told. If I HAD been loving I would have been giving people practical help not trying to recruit them.

    However, the trouble with JW mindset is that they attribute success outside of the org to Satan. I've heard more than once that "its easy" when you are DF because Satan makes it easy for you so that you dont go back. My life has had many hardships since leaving though, so Satan clearly hasn't been doing a good job with me . Despite the hardships, I'm much better out than in!


  • moreisbetter

    All of the above is So very true! Lurkers, ask yourself this:

    Struggling to get by, to clothe and feed your children, not to mention yourself, no time to relax. Praying to god for something you need, but only if it's "his" will. How does it make you feel about god when nothing happens because it's not his will? Think about what you do when this happens - YOU beat yourself up because it had to be YOUR fault! After all you must not be deserving of his love. God has looked into your heart and you must be gulity of somthing! Why, YOU must not be doing his will! Not enough service time, study time, you missed book study last week because you had to work overtime to get the car fixed. You turn to your elders & dear friends not for assistance, but just a compassionate ear. What are you told? "brother/sister, pray to god for forgivness"

    And it goes on & on. You struggling to take care of your family while struggling to earn love from a god your not going to get and waiting in stress & boredom for the new system that was supposed to be here by now.

    I'm not living that life anymore. I've living a normal life. you can be normal too.

    just my 2 cents


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