how i have been doing.......

by Shytears 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Shytears

    Hey everyone!just wanted to say im doing alittle better..i still didnt say nothing to the elders or my parents about what happened that night,i think i never will,doesnt bother me like i thought it would.i never talked to the guy since,and i really dont care if he doesnt talk to me...i think he tried to call once but i wasnt home,oh moving on...

    one thing that irritates me,i ask my parents questions on wts this and that,its always the same crap,jehovah will take care of it..blah blah blah...umm no i dont think he will.he never took care of anything with me,i always did it myself...i also asked them about the witnesses getting molested and abused,and they said just because one person may have done that doesnt mean its the whole org,and they say the person turned away from jehovah....i disagree,i think its a problem with the whole org,they try to hide stuff and cover it up...its just sick,very sick.also they are so judgemental,its sad..sometimes i wish i could tape what they say and play it back to them,to see how they react to themself.i still love them but sometimes i think the wts messed their head up...

    Also i went to the meeting last night,((gag))same old stuff,people shun me and im not even da or df,i didnt feel like going but i made myself because i knew my mom was gonna put this guilt trip on me,so i didnt feel like arguing with her..all those people are so mean,so unloving,i hate going over there,i think ill pretend im sick or something next time,lol,bye!!

    ~ Laura~

  • gumby

    Hi laura,

    Glad you are doing well. You seem pretty sharp to me. You see the Org. for what it is which is more than I can say for myself most of my life.......however....I'm a dumbass!

    Jehovah will take care of it my ass! He hasn't stopped the ruined lives of thousands....or should I say millions of ones who have lost loved ones from false teachings from them. Has he stopped their policy on child molesters? He never will either unless us "wicked apostates" uncover their slimmy asses.

    Sorry for being a little bold but my life went down the shitter from this bunch I have been with since childhood.

    If you live a good life Laura and show love all you can, be kind and helpfull to don't need the dubs. You will be happy. I am happy in this respect but my baggage ran deep and it takes a long time to fully heal.....if you ever do. They are like a virus, or disease that sometimes effects you for life. I would get out while the gettin is good. Be careful.


  • Celia

    Shytears, Do you live with your parents? How old are you ? I don't remember how old I was, but I do remember the first time it ocurred to me that I didn't have to do things that I didn't want to do or didn't like or even hated, just because I wanted to please someone.... But I know it's not always easy or feasible... Hang in there.

  • Shytears

    Im 16,gonna be 17 in 5months,:)i still live with my parents...blah...

  • Shytears

    How has everyone been........:):):):):) Laura

  • Mum

    Hi, Laura. Thanks for checking in with us. You seem to be handling your situation very well. You don't seem as frantic as you did in your first posts here, which is very good.

    If I had been as smart at age 16 as you are, I would be much better off today. I think you're handling your life with your parents and your former love interest as well as you possibly could. You do love your parents, so you can go along with them even though you disagree with some of their ideas.

    It took courage for you to ask your parents the questions you talked about in your post. I'm sorry you are shunned at the KH, but admire your love and respect for your parents. They probably don't realized how blessed they are to have a daughter like you who is struggling with questions but does not make any real problems for them. So, on their behalf, I will tell you that you are a wonderful daughter who does what is right by her family even when it's very hard to do.

    The abuse question is hard hitting. There are abusers in every religion, but there is no excuse for Roman Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, or any other group to protect the abusers. It sounds as though your parents need the security and certainty they think they are getting from the organization. So they are where they should be now.

    Your courage and questioning lead you down a lonely path, but we are here for you. Hang in there!

    Best regards,


  • Shytears

    Thanks mum..alot!!!that is the sweetest thing i have heard in a very long time,its true i rather not make any problems for them,i guess im the kind of person that puts myself before others sometimes...that can be good or bad...but thanks all of you,i Love u all *smile* ((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))

  • NewLight2

    Shytears wrote,

    "Also i went to the meeting last night,((gag))same old stuff,people shun me and im not even da or df"

    If you are not DF or DA, then WHY are you being shunned??

    Have you been "marked" as a BA??

    You might want to ask your parents:

    WHY am I being shunned by "Jehovah's Loving Organization"? Then go on to explain that that is why you don't have any interest in going to meetings only to be shunned and treated as if you don't exist by the very ones who are supposed to soooo loving. Go into great detail about how you FEEL about being shunned. Try to get your parents to see the contradiction that exists at the Kingdom Hall.


  • mouthy

    Waving to Shytears!!!!!! Good to see you here again. When I was 16 I was expecting my first child..... I would say.. Your on the right track.. try to keep your folks happy-( by not telling them your here) try not to get into any "hot spots" When you get out on your own- about 19or.20.yrs .You will be looking back & saying Thank God I didnt fall hook line & sinker for the WTower as so many of us did. Are you working? going to school? try to keep up with your education honey... ( Since I am the Granny on board some of them let me off with the advice I give )( smile) I am sure some of them delete!!!! but starting a family at a young age is the pits.... By 21 yrs I had 4 kids!!!! No fun at all.

    Look to have a good future..... I loved all my kids-but I never had dancing, shows, etc: etc: that young folks have>>>>>> That YOU can experience..... (((hugs)))

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