thanks i needed a good laugh!

by Incense_and_Peppermints 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    General : las ketchup- satan worship. Choose Another Message Board View All Messages
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    From: abi_from_wales (Original Message) Sent: 12/2/2002 9:02 AM
    Yesterday we had a visit from a brother and sister from brussels and the brother answered up saying that the ketchup song is pure satan worship. My mum and I were shocked, we decided to ask the brother further and he said that when translated it had things such as mentioning royal blue and that they had been warned that it was a satanistic colour and that there was other things in it that was pure satan worship. It showed me that what seemed to be a perfectly inosent song was certainly not. i havent been on the site for a while so this may have been mentioned sorry if it had! i was quite shocked by it all. take care because satan is using every means to leave jehovahs organisation! with love abigail xxx

    (...and i was trying to learn this dance for an upcoming holiday party too.)

    edited to add:

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    Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 2 December 2002 13:23:9

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    LOL Incense

    That's too funny......that is one thing I can't stand is how so many look for Satan's influance in every thing!
    Leaving no joy in the theatre for anyone!(All God given gifts)
    For years my daughter has had to put up with many closed minded people in our last cong calling her ART demonic!

    One sister would not let her give a picture of a kitty cat to her daughter...said it was demonic..**sheesh**
    She draws in the ANIME style most of the time but also ancient Japanese style and is learning others too.

    They hurt her feelings more times then I can count on this subjet.
    Fortunatly there were others who LOVED her work and made up for some of it.
    Thanx 4 the laugh gurl friend!
    bye bye 4 now

  • Matty

    I hate that bloody song. Now I know why I want to throttle somebody when I hear it, it must be Satan entering within me!

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    One sister would not let her give a picture of a kitty cat to her daughter...said it was demonic

    a kitty???


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