
by Brummie 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    Has anyone here had therapy? What kind?

    Wondering whether you had Person Centred Counselling and what you thought of it? (called Client centred therapy in USA). Or whether anyone here has studied PCC or Carl Rogers.


  • larc

    Carl Rogers believed that the therapist can not solve the client's problem. The therapist can offer "unconditional positive regard". In other words, whatever the client will say, the therapist will not judge him or her. He believed that this kind of environment would allow the person to explore their own values and learn to figure out how to solve their problems. In other words, the climate was created so that the person could heal themeselves.

  • Brummie

    Bang on Larc, he's an interesting study from a humanistic veiwpoint. PCC is none directive and I was wondering if anyone here had benifited from his approach, but also interested in hearing from people who had therapy from any different school of thought.

    I do PCC


  • Been there
    Been there

    In years past I went to 8 years of therapy on and off. I went to Social Workers. No real Phyciatrist except once when I needed to be put on medicine for the panic attacks. I guess my social workers were what you discribe because they never judged (except one lady who was not good at what she did and I asked to be changed from her) They only answered with "What Do You Think". I went to survive my stepson. He was just a symtom. The real problem is still here (His dad). I had one therapist who committed suicide. Made me think maybe I wasn't so bad off. Or........ I pushed him over the edge, one of the two. Anyway all my years of counceling did not fix any problems because I never got to the real issues, I never got past the b---h sessions which only put bandaids on the symtoms. I never once talked about being an XJW and how that may have molded my thinking process's. I'm not dumb, but the problem lyes from not wanting to do what I know I need to do, so the inner battle rages on, year after year after year. I actually have gotten more out of this board then in any counceling. One day if I get the courage I may through my problems on the board and get some input. My biggest problem is not knowing if what I think is real or not, or is it just my interpretation of it (which could be faulty because of my up bringing) One thing I was always told was I needed a support system. Still don't have one. I feel out on the high wire with nothing to catch me if I fall. So I must not fall.

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