My Family Thanksgiving Day (Pictures)

by COMF 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    My family's portrait is in the illustrated dictionary beside "dysfunctional". Once upon a time we used to gather together at my grandparents' place. At first, that was easy to do since we all lived with my mom (we were her kids, four of us: brother John, me, sister Janis, and sister Carolyn). After we grew up and had families of our own, we continued the practice fairly regularly on holidays, but I became a JW and broke up the pattern, and then everybody kind of scattered out and we lost touch.

    This year I changed that, at least for a couple of days. I hope we've revived an old habit that will keep my family close as we all go through our lives.

    I invited everyone to my house for Thanksgiving, and to my delight, they all accepted. I was a little worried about how well it would go with upward of 20 people here. So, how did it go? FLAWLESSLY! We actually got along, cooperated, had things to talk about, genuinely cared about each other, and wound up having a fairy tale family gathering.

    Janis, her husband Barney, their sons Brent and Bo, and their dog Bull came up Wednesday from Huntsville, arriving at almost the same moment as my mom and sister Carolyn from Kerrville. We all had a great visit that evening, and I bedded them all down and slept on the couch, myself... but I have a delightfully soft, welcoming couch. :)

    Thursday morning I got up and fixed pancakes and scrambled eggs for everybody, but the big hit of the day was my lattes. I could only make them two at a time, and kept getting requests for them. Others began to arrive and soon the party was in full swing. My brother, his wife and their son arrived, followed by their three daughters. They brought lots of different desserts as well as snacks like celery sticks with cheese, for us to munch on while preparing the main courses. As I expected would happen, Janis and the other ladies pretty much ran us guys out of the kitchen and took over. So, we went outside for some serious football ("serious" is a relative term).

    The weather people had predicted a freeze Wednesday night and cold weather Thursday, but it warmed right on up to about 70 degrees! We had glorious weather for an outing, and we made the most of it. When it came time to eat, my agnostic self invited brother John to say a blessing, and he did his beliefs proud--for which I was proud.

    Late in the day a couple of stragglers arrived, nearly completing the family circle. One of brother John's daughers didn't make it, and my two sons didn't. But we have next time...

    I cannot tell you how fulfilled and complete I feel. Ah, family! Ah, life!

    Edited by - COMF on 29 November 2002 2:52:8

  • xenawarrior


    Awesome pictures- thanks for sharing them with us. You all look like you enjoyed yourselves alot!! Very nice looking family you have! I'm glad it worked out so well. Sometimes it seems like we become so apprehensive about how things will turn out and they are never as bad as we imagined they might be. In this case it looks like it was even better than all that. A normal family playing, eating and enjoying each other's company!!! Very nice to see!!!!


    P.S. Are you teaching that child in the picture to gamble? LOL Jacks or better, three of a kind to win? J/K- I learned how to play poker at the age that boy appears to be

  • Pathofthorns
    A normal family playing, eating and enjoying each other's company!!! Very nice to see!!!!

    Nice pics and glad u had a good time. The pic of the little guy dressed in the football jersey while the dog is humping the basketball really cracked me up Thanks.


  • scootergirl

    Great pics, COMF! I do have two questions, though......the little boy-is he your son? And what in the world was that wonderful dessert that was upside down w/nuts on top of it?! It isn't nice to tease us like that!

    The pictures showed a happy family enjoying a special day. Isn't life grand?

  • Undecided

    Hi Comf,

    Looks as though you found one of the keys to enjoying this life. Hope it continues down that path for you. I had a good thanksgiving too.

    I can remember thanksgiving when I was a JW kid, they didn't call it thanksgiving but we got together as a family and had a great time. Almost all those are dead now but I try to keep the tradition going with my family. I hope I have a few more good years to enjoy this.

    Thanks for the pictures.

    Ken P.

  • COMF

    XW, naw, not me... that's his own dad sitting across from him, thoroughly corrupting him! Scoot, bless your heart, thank you for thinking I could have a son that age! The little boy is the son of the guy holding the football for him in the kicking picture. His mom is my brother's daughter. She is a coach at a high school in Irving, who just took their girls' basketball team to some major victory (I forget what, exactly) for their first time in 21 years. She got a writeup about it in the Dallas Morning News! It was obvious that she and her husband have taught the little guy well. At two and a half years old, he holds a football correctly and when he throws it, it doesn't wobble, it goes straight and true. A future sports hero in the making, perhaps?

    Ken, you're right, I did find a key to enjoying life. Love your family and forget about past problems; and also, don't let the moment get away from you. Live it while it's here! Glad your day was a good one, too. Hope you have a bunch more of them.

    (Edited to add) Oops, forgot: Scoot, the dessert you asked about turned out to be cheesecake underneath the pecans and all. Man, it was fabulous!

    Edited by - COMF on 29 November 2002 13:59:50

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    Looks like you are enjoying life. Heres a picture of our last thanksgiving day,

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