Why was Barbara Anderson Disfellowshipped?

by UnDisfellowshipped 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    A few days ago, I started to think about "What Would Be the BEST Question To Ask Jehovah's Witnesses if you are a New Bible-Study or Interested Person?"

    Well, I think I came up with the perfect Question!

    Why was Barbara Anderson Disfellowshipped?

    The reason why this is the perfect Question is, because no matter what answer the JW gives, it will not look good.

    Below is a list of possible answers that the JW might give when you ask "Why was Barbara Anderson Disfellowshipped?":

    1: "She is an Apostate Liar."

    (So, speaking out against Child Abuse makes one an "Apostate Liar"?)

    2: "Well, 1st Corinthians 5:11 is why she was Disfellowshipped."

    (Well, if they answer this, they have just slandered Barbara Anderson like J.R. Brown did)

    (Here is 1st Corinthians 5:11: But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler --not even to eat with such a one.)

    3: "I don't know why she was Disfellowshipped -- Judicial Hearings are completely secret and confidential."

    (This answer will make the person asking the question very curious and disturbed, more than likely, and it might even make the JW wonder about why Judicial Hearings are completely secret)

    4: "She was Disfellowshipped for 'Undermining the Governing Body' or 'Undermining Jehovah's Organization's Arrangements'."

    (This answer would definitely make any interested person start to think twice about becoming a JW)

    5: "She was Disfellowshipped for 'Causing Divisions'."

    (And just what does that mean?)

    Also, another good question to ask, would be:

    What happens when a JW is Disfellowshipped?

    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 28 November 2002 2:57:41

    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 28 November 2002 3:14:17

  • Gopher

    Your points are all excellent, and appeal to those who can think critically.

    Unfortunately, loyal dubs cannot think critically. They are trained (like puppy dogs) to honor/respect every decision that the elders make, otherwise they'd be viewed as "disloyal" somehow.

    So in their minds #3 most likely applies -- Sister Anderson MUST have done something bad that we aren't being told -- so goes the suspicious mind of the average loyal J-dub.

  • coffee_black

    Unfortunately, most loyal dubs have never heard of Barbara Anderson or Silentlambs, or the U.N. cover-up, or most of what's happening in their own organization. If they get wind of any of it, they just chalk it up to persecution and the work of evil apostates.


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    I agree completely with both of you -- Loyal JW's would most likely not even really consider the question.

    That's why I said this Question would be great for New "Bible-Studies" or "Interested Persons" who have not yet been indoctrinated.

  • UnDisfellowshipped
  • Swan

    The more and more I read of these kangaroo courts (my apologies to kangaroos) I think the answer is:

    Because they can.

    It has no rhyme nor reason and is as arbitrary as the men making the rules as they go.


  • shamus

    I actually don't know who she is. I assume that she is a victim of sexual abuse.....

    Dubs wouldn't care, though. Like other posters said, thinking for one's self would be considered disloyal to their beloved Jesus and his organization on earth.... something that they could be disfellowshipped for. My advice?

    Ask when only one comes to the door. You can sometimes break down a barrier when there's just one, but usually never two.

    Remember that they have this doctrine pounded into their heads, and resistance is futile....

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