XJWS! Remember your Training, Please!

by metatron 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I read so many sad stories on this board about folks who suddenly realize that the
    Watchtower is a corrupt cult AND THEN try to bombard their loyal relatives with information
    about the UN, the blood fraud, molesters, etc.

    Big mistake! I know 'cause I've done it myself.

    REMEMBER YOUR TRAINING! A little at a time! "I have many things to tell you but you
    are not able to bear them at present" - that's how it works!

    Rather than trying to force TECHNICAL issues on them ( who signed what UN document
    or what the law sez about child abuse) EMPHASIZE 'smaller' issues that appeal to the
    heart - especially love and the lack of it among Witnesses.

    Stuff like "why go door to door and accomplish nothing WHILE our teenagers fall out
    of the 'truth' and get into trouble? Why not have special programs for old people
    just like early Christians did? (Acts and 1Timothy)

    "Why baptize teenagers - who are full of hormones and aren't competent enough to vote,
    sign contracts or create a stable marriage?"

    "Why doesn't the Society DO SOMETHING to REALLY help parents cope? You and I know
    all these articles on LOVE are just talk - and they are quickly forgotten in the drive
    to 'get time in'"

    " why can I go on coffee breaks and talk to no one door to door - and THEN count
    hours on a time slip - while ignoring charity or helping others? There's no
    place for me to COUNT THAT , IS THERE?"

    You see? This works MUCH BETTER! You'll often get LOTS of agreement from depressed

    Remember your training, guys

    It works for me!


  • JH

    That is very true metatron, and just like Jesus said, the love you have for each other is the sign of the true religion. Often just little things work better than grand philosophies. An elder once told me you can bring a horse to water, but you can't force him to drink. That goes bothways.

  • terabletera

    You just said a cotton pickin mouthful.

  • freedom96

    I agree Metatron. Working it like that will accomplish more; people will be ready to listen.

  • Vee

    I 100% concur with your approach in firstly addressing these inconsistencies over heavier "technical" issues. After all, for so many of us it was the "unity" of the organisation and the "love" that was shown amongst the "brothers" that either appealed to us at first as a child, or as a new convert. It was these very suttle inconsistencies which really began to add up for me, not necessarily the indepth doctrines. Which then forced me to seriously ponder about what what sort of an organisation I was so heavily committed to. It wasn't until I had raised serious doubts in myself in this manner that I was able to "bear" the more weightier "technical issues".


  • Realist


    easier said than done. having discussions about this religion with a JW whom you love is quite frustrating...especially when you notice time and time again that they put the org above anything else including you. at one point i just couldn't do it anymore...its better to stop the discussions all together with these people.

  • ozziepost

    Good points made here. I suspect that nothing "works" and it's best to simply say nothing, but let actions "speak louder than words".

  • wednesday

    very true. i would have never listened to doctrine and "apostate" stuff, but most jw are aware of lack of love, and a lot have some sad stories. My boys got to me by playing the love card, and the grand kids card. it works.

  • waiting

    Hey Met,

    Good points....and then, sometimes - nothing works.

    But remember when we would try & leave the householder with a good point, the reasoning being "well, you never know if something will happen in his life that will make him stop & think about that point."

    Very good point we used. So, if we try & just leave an idea - like on care of old people, young people programs, etc., - it just might hit home in the future.

    Lol....planting the seed of discontentment? Or just nurturing the seed already planted - just not watered yet.


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