Tired Movie Formulas

by gilwarrior 4 Replies latest social entertainment

  • gilwarrior

    Have you ever seen a movie and noticed that you have seen this same formula before? Do you ever see the same formula repeated over and over and over again? Well I have and I will mention some of the formulas that should be dropped and forgotten. There thay are:

    1) The buddy cop movie. It usually starts off with two cops who are paired together that are complete opposites. Usually, one will be black and one will be white. One is single and one is married with kids. One is crazy and one is sane and they both can't stand each other. As the movie progresses they start to like to like or at least respect each other and by the end they are friends.

    2) The love story. A guy and a girl get together. They fall in love and everything is great when suddenly *gasp* we find out that she is dieing! *sniff, sniff*

    Any other old movie chiches?

  • Robdar


    I was just discussing this topic last night. Yes, it does appear to be the same old tired stories recycled over and over again. That is one reason I now watch Sundance and the Independent Film Channel.


  • gsx1138

    I really hate one liners. Especially after the hero kills a bad guy. I wish that stuff would have died out in the 80's.

  • joannadandy

    Actually there are only about eight stories in the whole world. Everything else is just a rip off of those orginal ones. (At least according to literary critics. If I'm not mistaken the Russians chopped that list down to three)

    But yes, I know exactly what you mean. What I love is when movies of the same type come out at the same time even. Like a few years ago there were a couple volcano movies, there were a couple of Tornado movies at the same time. They just had XXX and now they have Special Ops, ooh look snowboarders fighting terrorists. (Is it ok if I root for the terrorists?)

  • Kingpawn

    How many movies have there been (books too) of the "man messes with nature and nature comes back at him with a vengeance" genre?

    Or the "kid made fun of in school later gets his/her tormentors back to the abandoned school and kills them fiendishly" class? (Class? Unintended pun!)

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