by steve2 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ThomasCovenant


    ''But her reports have fed the JW view of themselves. That they are different, that they are God's chosen organisation, that they do everything better than anyone else. For them, that's the point they are defending. They see everything as 'one bad apple' or 'a failure of parents'. They are absolutely blind to the concept that their religious practices, beliefs and formal procedures create the climate where not only can abuse continue unchecked, but which may also contribute to abuse happening in the first place.''

    Very well put.

  • Vidiot

    Mephis - "They are absolutely blind to the concept that their religious practices, beliefs and formal procedures create the climate where not only can abuse continue unchecked, but which may also contribute to abuse happening in the first place."

    Fantastic post, especially this bit.

  • Vidiot

    OrphanCrow - "She was an 'expert' on insular procedures and policies."

    Well, gosh; no wonder the WTS hired her. :smirk:

  • NewYork44M

    I watched part 1 & 2 of the interrogation of Applewhite. I am absolutely astounded by the preparedness of the RC. The gentleman who did the inquiry was well prepared and was able to capture the nuances of the Watchtower-speak.

    Applewhite seemed like she expected to accept her testimony just because she was an "expert." The first 20 minutes where the RC did a granular review of her CV essentially set the stage for showing that she did not have a great background. Did you notice that she has no peer reviewed research and no clinical experience - except for what she did while working while in college.

    I can't wait to watch the rest.

  • Vidiot

    NewYork44M - "..The first 20 minutes where the RC did a granular review of her CV essentially set the stage for showing that she did not have a great background..."

    And she was the best the WTS could come up with.

    NewYork44M - "..Did you notice that she has no peer reviewed research and no clinical experience..."

    Well... I did say the other day that she and the Org seemed like a good fit. :smirk:

  • steve2

    What makes the Royal Commission so noteworthy is the level of cutting edge expertise among the body organizing the Commission on best practice when it comes to assessing organizational policies and procedures pertaining to child sexual abuse.

    As noted drolly by the Judge himself, the Commission is not interested in claims about which religious group is better in terms of disseminating information to members about "preventing" child sexual abuse but how each religious group's own policies and procedures square up with current best practice.

    Even Dr Applewhite had to answer in the affirmative a series of questions about the JW organization's policies and procedures being harmful and having high likelihood of retraumatizing victims of child sexual abuse.

  • kairos

    Let's just be glad the elderz were appointed by holy spirit and not men.
    Things would really be bad then...

    Oh, wait...

  • NewYork44M

    If anyone is interested, here is the link to the article mentioned in part 3 of YouTube Presentations

    Conceptualising the prevention of child sexual abuse: Final report

  • Cadellin

    Dr. Applewhite's lack of preparation is startling, as others have mentioned. It should be noted that, from what I've seen/heard in the recording, it appears all that she was hired to do was to review the material that the Society had already made public, which is essentially WT propaganda meant to convey the appropriately upstanding, empathetic, loving, etc. image that they so vigorously protect. As such, it is--and I think the Commission can see this--essentially worthless, as the material NOT made public is what matters. Elders are routinely told to destroy letters and other records, for example. Applewhite would not be given access to confidential files or even the Elders' manual (although I guess that is publicly available now).

    Also, she's coming up short in academic rigor, as I cannot imagine any report worth its salt not identifying, for example, those religious organizations to which WT standards supposedly favorably compare and offering instead a wildly generalized statement like "worldwide religions" or whatever it was that her report said. It's interesting that she's pointing out her own errors while on the stand (and of course, the Commission is doing so as well!).

  • JWdaughter

    The WT was counting on the inquiry being filled with people who are as ill-educated and informed about their religion as Applewhite and other experts who testify for them. They were counting on this to be some po-dunk little inquiry that had no bearing in the real world and which would be blinded by their smoke and mirrors (and their own theory that other religions are worse, so theirs should be applauded)

    Think how many judges and juries have been given the WT version over the years and buy into it without too many questions. Always with the pretty outside impression of nice people spreading the gospel. . . how could anyone blame them when bad people infiltrate? But that was the entire purpose of the inquiry with EVERY group(case study)-to find the real issues in this and correct them. They aren't picking on the WT, they are trying to get to the truth and I think they are smart cookies. This is not about the govt picking on them, the prosecutor picking on them. This is a REAL look at how things work. No one is getting into trouble. Yet:) There will be new laws as a result of this RC and it will be directed to all organizations-not just religious (so much for that all religions will be persecuted bit they like to holler about).

    Applewhite is just the kind of beaurocratic silliness that helps them-the ones who look at written things and no NOTHING of the underlying structure and culture. The RC guy-(who I might form a fan club for) did his homework. He isn't busy trying to look like a super efficient fast talking Perry Mason. He is thoughtful, listening and respondiing with a thorough background in the entire topic. He is my new hero.

    The WT and its minions have gotten away with so much for so long that they don't even bother trying anymore. This testimony is a testament to that.

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